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Blue pics with flash

Happy Hour

TPF Noob!
Dec 5, 2007
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Chicago IL
Can others edit my Photos
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can anyone tell me why everytime I take a pic with the flash(stock on the body) My pictures are blue. i've tryed adjusting the xposure up and down but it only gets a drker blue or lighter blue, but still blue. I've adjusted apeture and shutter speeds as well. still blue though! The only way to use this flash and not get a blue tint is to hold my finger in front of the flash.<-I know it sounds dumb, but it did work. What am i missing?
Go to your white balance menu and set it to flash. Should clear your problems.
DOH!!! WOW ->I'm seriously a moron<- :er: i have been playing with shutter speed and aperture all afternoon I completely wasnt thinking that I was playin with the white balance this morning.thanks for covering my brain fart again everyone. That's why i'm a Noob:thumbdown:
Something else you can do in addition to your WB is get a speedlight that has bounce capabilites....and wouldn't hurt to get a diffuser too. Using direct flash creates dark to black backgrounds and shadows that drastically seperates your subject and background as completely different entities. Bounce that flash off the ceiling...this can be done with a piece of paper folding it over your flash at an angle so it bounces off your ceiling instead of using your finger as a diffuser. Good luck!
Something else you can do in addition to your WB is get a speedlight that has bounce capabilites....and wouldn't hurt to get a diffuser too. Using direct flash creates dark to black backgrounds and shadows that drastically seperates your subject and background as completely different entities. Bounce that flash off the ceiling...this can be done with a piece of paper folding it over your flash at an angle so it bounces off your ceiling instead of using your finger as a diffuser. Good luck!

Or she could save herself 400 dollars, and just use fill flash...lol
Or she could save herself 400 dollars, and just use fill flash...lol

What fill flash techniques are you talking about? The fill flash is not going to change the exposure at all—it's just there to fill in shadows that would otherwise not show up because they're too dark.....mainly sunlight photos etc. I've also heard of fill flash techniques such as using gel, or piece of paper to cover direct flash and post production settings on camera...however in post production, unless you isolate the subject and background and adjust levels seperately you'd still be changing both levels perspectively since both are adjusted complimentary.

A basic speedlight with swivel capabilities are around 80 bucks.....and well a piece of paper as a diffuser for the speedlight....your looking at a grad total of 80.0001....oh wait...forgot to add the piece of tape..$80.002 bottom line.:mrgreen:
A basic speedlight with swivel capabilities are around 80 bucks.....and well a piece of paper as a diffuser for the speedlight....your looking at a grad total of 80.0001....oh wait...forgot to add the piece of tape..$80.002 bottom line.:mrgreen:
I'd Like to know where you can get a flash for $80 for a sony a100 cause the cheapest light i found is 399.00
thanks for the link. I havent looked itno it that much I was at a sony outlet store 2 days ago and they said 399 was the cheapest there was for that cam.
thanks for the link. I havent looked itno it that much I was at a sony outlet store 2 days ago and they said 399 was the cheapest there was for that cam.

No problem. :sexywink:

Here is a picture I took of my beautiful wife. Although it turned out blue, for which I didn't know why (now I do), it looks kind of cool, but not useful for all photo's by any means.
Thanks for the info on this blue problem-:)

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