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TPF Noob!
Oct 22, 2008
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After countless threads that I never should have made on TPF, and a realization that I don't need so much crap, I've finally figured out what I ACTUALLY need. [thanks kuni + a bunch of people for completely shutting me down before I wasted any money.

I don't need lighting kits, filters, new goodies, etc. What I actually need is....

A tripod, a monopod, a 50mm/35mm fast prime, and a teleconverter.

I'm sick and tired of using a table, and books, and whatnot to hold my camera for portraits, light painting, etc. A tripod is a must.

Much of my shooting is sports and threater shots where a monopod is best.

I've been doing so many portraits and performances that I've reaized that 18-55mm does not cut it in low light and sharpness.

I can't exactly be on the field during games, so I need some extra reach.

First of all, when you guys use tripods, you lean over, correct? But how much is too much? I need a somewhat tall tripod, but it doesn't need to be able to match my height [6'2"]
Ballhead vs 3-way?

I have no idea. Needs to support atleast 80-200mm + gripped D90 + flash + some of my weight, sturdy. Somewhat heavy is fine, not like depleted uranium heavy, but enough to resist wind. Somewhat tall??
Not sure about a head, the only reason for the ball head would be for portrait orientation.

Looking at these:
Manfrotto by Bogen Imaging | 681B Monopod (Black) | 681B | B&H
Manfrotto by Bogen Imaging | 682B Monopod (Black) | 682B | B&H
Gitzo | G1564 Studex Monopod | G1564 | B&H Photo Video

Nikon | Normal AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D Autofocus Lens | 1902 | B&H
Nikon | Normal AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D Autofocus Lens | 2137 | B&H
35mm [distortion?? big concern.]
Nikon | Wide Angle AF Nikkor 35mm f/2.0D Autofocus Lens | 1923
Nikon | AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G DX Lens | 2183 | B&H Photo Video

for sure, unless somebody else can find a better one, that AF's with AF-D [screw]
Kenko | 1.4x Teleplus Pro 300 DG Teleconverter | K14PRO300DGN
Have a check at a Gitzo traveller with Acratech ballhead 2.

Haven't got it, unfortunately... but there's my future. :D
haven heard of them fried chicken, will check them out as well
What, Gitzo or Acratech?

I'm just kidding. :)

But note that a light weight tripod with good ball head (namely carbon fibre body, of course) will be up to $1000. Usually at least $500.

thanks for the monopod input, i'll look into it.
I take you want the teleconverter for the AF-D 80-200 2.8 right.
Go for the 50 f/1.8 that lens is so much fun, it is my favorite lens that i have ever used, Also if you aren't planning on going to FF any time soon you could save the $100 or so bucks and get the faster new 35 1.8 DX.
Sorry but that is all the help i have for you, i dont know much when it comes to monopods and tripods just that i am also in the market for the same things.
To help some other people out how much money do you have to spend on all of this stuff?
About $800.

I was thinking....

$80-150 Monopod
$350-500 Tripod
$130-300 Prime

Mind you these are just estimates.

I already have the money for the Kenko TC, so that's not included.
Do you guy think a ballhead or a 3way head would be better?
Do you guy think a ballhead or a 3way head would be better?

Kind of a personal preference thing there...

I like the pan/tilt heads (3 way), but lots of people like the ball heads too.

Pan/tilt is better if you only want to move on one axis at a time (or two, I usually keep the pan knob loose), ball is better if you don't care about that.
I use 3 way on tripod and ball on monopod. I take grips off when using either monopod or tripod - why add flex when you don't need to. Monopod and tripod as well as heads are all manfrotto, expensive, and about 15 years old.

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