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Birds in training


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 21, 2011
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Very nice! All the birds in my backyard seem to know how to get a branch between them and a camera lens.

Clear the branch... chop down the tree if have to... it's all about the shots... :mrgreen:
Those are the same four types of birds that are in my backyard.
Thanks for the comments!
Nice shots, looks like you have spent some time setting up the area to get them where you want them and it paid off :thumbup:
Very nice. Want to share your training tips? Because like batburn, mine are all trained to step just behind that damn branch.
Mine are trained to fly away when I want to shoot them.

My setup. The platform feeder with mixed seed. Old light stand with cut branch attached using plastic ties. Driftwood attached to rebar has a one inch hole drilled in the top to pack with suet. Ground blind set up close to min. focal dist.
Soon it will be too hot to sit in the blind, heats up with pretty quick in direct sunlight. I will place other feeders near the setup sometimes to attrack more birds. Everything can be moved in just a few minutes so I can shoot from the kitchen window when the weather sucks. If I'm not seeing a particular bird I'll place a bluetooth speaker below the feeder and play calls. In the photos posted here the Wren and the Titmouse were called successfully.
Right now im just sitting under a canvas, but the birds get startled at any movement from the lens poking out :) true story.
Right now im just sitting under a canvas, but the birds get startled at any movement from the lens poking out :) true story.
Pre-focus on the most likely spot and wait. The blind I have is black inside, conceals really well but if I move the lens quickly they will spook. The Cardinals and the Titmouse are more sensitive to movement it seems.

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