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best cheap wide angle primes for Nikon


TPF Noob!
Aug 14, 2013
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Hi all, I am looking for a cheap (under 150) wide prime lens for Nikon full frame camera.
Focal length 24 or 28 or 35.
Used, of course.
It can be manual focus only and doesn't need to be so sharp wide open because I intend to use it stopped down almost always.
It can also be third-party Nikon fit or with an adapter not exceeding the total price mentioned.
Maybe for that price there is only rubbish? :)
I scored my Sigma 28/2.8 Macro MiniWide for only $20.


It's even better than my Nikkor 28/2.8 AF-D.
I use to own the Nikon AF 20mm 2.8D and it was pretty darn good. Once found one for just over $200.00 because it was "ugly" but it still worked like a charm.
Typically running over $300.00 though. I know you mentioned under $150.00, but... thought I'd mention anyway.
Of the three, the best optically is the 24. It is also a useful focal length.
For me Samyang 14 or 24 mm...I own almost every samyang lens...Manual but amazing lenses
Do you need AF? The older 28 f/2.8 and 28 f/2.8D lenses can be had for about $150. If your willing to MF, lots of MF lenses available used.
The Nikkor AI or AI-S 28mm 3.5 ist very rare and not very popular. Optically very good and inside your budget constraints though.

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