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Best Camera for skydiving...

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TPF Noob!
Nov 3, 2008
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My friend is looking for a DSLR to mount to his helmet for taking pics while skydiving. What are your thoughts.. about this also the best way to trigger the camera so you can auto focus it. also what would be the best Lens for this... i recommended a Nikon d40 because its compact..

Thanks in advance
Personally I would be looking at a point and shoot to use for this purpose. Granted it would have to be a more advanced one in order to use a remote operation.
If you are going to go with a DSLR, I think a cable release and manual focus (preset) would be the way to go. You might have to lash the cable release to the straps on the pack or something so they're not blowing around too much.
Well, I saw somewhere that someone strapped a D700 to the rear of a sport airplane and triggered it inside using a PW II. One would assume that you want a camera that won't fly off your headgear once you are plummetting at over 120MPH... lol

I think dSLRs for this instance are nothing really interesting. Slap a motion or video camera on that headgear... its way more interesting!
I think dSLRs for this instance are nothing really interesting. Slap a motion or video camera on that headgear... its way more interesting!

It just happened: The first time I've ever thought "Hmm, a digital SLR that records video might actually be useful for that." A D90 might be a good choice if video is a factor.
It's not like you're going to be able to adjust your settings inflight. If you want video get a video camera. Simple as that. You won't be switching to photos half way down.

I would consider getting a Canon G9 or something similar. DSLRs sound fantastic until they are mounted too your head when your parachute opens. You want something light and small.
It just happened: The first time I've ever thought "Hmm, a digital SLR that records video might actually be useful for that." A D90 might be a good choice if video is a factor.

Look at the price of a D90... then look at the price of the average video recorder... now add the difference in quality, vide duration and options between the two... you will find that an ordinary average videocam is far superior.
I'd recommend to your friend to go to www.dropzone.com. They have a forums and gear reviews for everthing used in skydiving (to included photography). I hope your friend has a couple of hundred jumps under his belt before he ventures photoraphy while skydiving... You can lose altitude awarness from very minor distractions. I'm assuming he's already done video. Tell your friend I said "Blue Sky!"

Blue Sky and Semper Fi,
I would not use a DSLR because it's an expensive toy to lose + it's much much much heavier then a P&S. You are using a "helmet cam" so not like you are going to have time to "get that perfect shot" while falling out of the sky.
If you do decide to use a DSLR don't forget to buy a UV/Haze filter to protect the front of the lens. :lol: :lol: :lol:
thanks guys...

ya he stared jumping like 2 years ago and I think he has around 500 jumps...

he has a video camera but is looking for quality and sharp images...

I will pass on this info thanks for the help
Look at the price of a D90... then look at the price of the average video recorder... now add the difference in quality, vide duration and options between the two... you will find that an ordinary average videocam is far superior.

The criteria for "times I've thought, 'hey, a digital SLR with video capability would be useful for that'" are pretty minimal. This is the first time in the history of the universe I've ever even considered it as a viable possibility. If I were jumping out of the plane, the video camera would be on my helmet and the still camera would be in my hand and strapped to me on a short leash (are you allows to do that?).
I would say use a D3 and 14-24.
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