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Best Bands you never heard of...


have kiwi, will travel...
Sep 8, 2003
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Time to update my music collection again.. can you recommend me some good music. I am looking for obscure stuff that doesn't get played on the airwaves, or at least not on popular radio stations. Any genre will do, they don't even have to sing in english.

Here are a few bands I recommend that i have gotten into recently (some are a bit old but new to me):

myslovitz - polish rock band, have english songs (thanks anja)
ladytron- electronica
goldfrapp - house, dance
hooverphonic - trip hop with a big sound..
brazilian girls - dance, world
goldenhorse - nz pop rock ala cardigans
elomenop - nz pop punk

sorry i am not very good at defining sound genres - the above bands are sort of cross genre anyways.
If you like reggae check out Patrice.
Best radio station out there, in my opinion...http://kexp.org, lots of great indie bands, and are usually the first to play obscure bands (and their demos).

some you might like:
silversun pickups*
neko case
cat power
sera cahoone
be good tanyas
pj harvey
ambulance ltd
secret machines
black rebel motorcycle club
morning after girls* (they're Australian, you might have heard of them)
the black angels

and about a billion others, but that's off the top of my head....and you might have heard of a lot of these guys.

*I'm completely into these bands at the moment...you might want to check them out first.

P.S. Just watched Whale Rider again...amazing movie! Makes me want to hop on down there!
captain geech and the shrimp-shack shooters
Sigur Ros..... I will not rest until this entire forum is listening to Sigur Ros. Get the album Takk... it's amazing!

oh and Okkervil River. = Unreal! Get the album Black Sheep Boy.
And also... The Divine Comedy - regeneration.
Grandaddy - the sophtware slump
The Frames
And the latest Augie March album - I havent' actually got it yet - but I reckon it'll be great.

They're my lastest albums I'm listening to
Dragonforce! Everything about them is cheesy, but they're still so good.
Sufjan Stevens, Andrew Bird, Devendra Banhart, Rogue Wave, and Iron & Wine are some other artists that I think are really good.
didn't know anyone had responded to this post, thanks for all the suggestions! an thanks tree hugger, i'll tune into that station and check out some new tunes.

Sigur Ros..... I will not rest until this entire forum is listening to Sigur Ros
I do like them, but i have to be in the mood, the make me a bit drowsy at times

I actually laughed out load!
umm. i am not sure if i want to see that load... :greenpbl:

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