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Basil Bee

Apr 25, 2016
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Northeastern Pennsylvania
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Just a closeup of a tiny little pollen carrying bee on basil :)

Basil Bee.webp
Aw, how cool is that little bee?? Is this something you see after you decide to take a picture of the bee in the flower? What I mean is, you see a bee and go in for the closeup, and then through the lens notice the pollen and crystals? Or do you see that there's something on his little head and decide to take the picture?
Actually, I noticed it was a tiny little green bee ( which in itself is interesting ), and once I focused ( I shoot almost exclusively handheld ), I could see the pollen, but as far as the crystals, I did not see them until I was processing the pic. That is one thing I love about macro: you see some details almost always unnoticed otherwise. Thanks!
Great close up of a Sweat Bee! I love sitting by the garden and watching all the various bees/wasps/flies that come to feed.
Wow, cool shot!
Thanks, Kirk.

Great close up of a Sweat Bee! I love sitting by the garden and watching all the various bees/wasps/flies that come to feed.
Yes, sir, me too. My wife has a huge bed of hydrangeas next to the parking area that attracts anything and everything. I always hate to see them start drying up, but then that creates photo ops as well.

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