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Feb 3, 2010
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A friend of mine from my breastfeeding moms group wanted some shots of her and her son before he totally weans himself. So this is your fair warning to close your eyes or look away or whatever ridiculous thing you feel the need to do in order to avoid *gasp* a mother feeding her child.

amber-1-3 by capturedbybc, on Flickr

amber-1-2 by capturedbybc, on Flickr

amber-1-4 by capturedbybc, on Flickr

amber-1 by capturedbybc, on Flickr

She was fixing his shirt in the last but he was snuggled up and being cute and actually facing the camera, so I snapped it. lol
is that kid like 7 years old and just getting weaned off? poor kid; never stood a chance.

I like #2, but the i still have a hard time processing the background to the subject matter; maybe she can pick up a book about the Oedipus complex?
#1 quite overpowered by the strong backlight
#2 voyeuristic shot looking through the bookshelf
#3 odd pose
#4 very cute of the boy
#1 quite overpowered by the strong backlight
#2 voyeuristic shot looking through the bookshelf
#3 odd pose
#4 very cute of the boy

I like that voyeuristic sounds like such a pretty word, but really.. it is not. lol

3 was not a pose.. entirely candid him being a crazy toddler moment.
The kid is probably close to two years old and the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until two years of age in developed countries and longer for underdeveloped countries where clean water and food are more scarce. There are undeniable health benefits to breastfeeding and no mother or child should be judged for deciding to continue breastfeeding beyond the first year.
The kid is probably close to two years old and the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until two years of age in developed countries and longer for underdeveloped countries where clean water and food are more scarce. There are undeniable health benefits to breastfeeding and no mother or child should be judged for deciding to continue breastfeeding beyond the first year.

Thank you Amanda :) Yes he is 26 months old so just over 2. My son is 15 months and I plan to continue nursing him until he decides he is finished.
For the record, I breast fed until I was 19. Just sayin'...
Mine is 1 1/5 and he has pretty much weaned himself (thank god). Still does when he is sick. I am indifferent as I am not the one doing it, but if he is about ready to start high school I will put my foot down. ;)

I like the 3rd one even if he is technically not on tap.
I'll probably kick him out of our bed on his 18th birthday too.. lol
The kid is probably close to two years old and the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until two years of age in developed countries and longer for underdeveloped countries where clean water and food are more scarce. There are undeniable health benefits to breastfeeding and no mother or child should be judged for deciding to continue breastfeeding beyond the first year.

Thank you Amanda :) Yes he is 26 months old so just over 2. My son is 15 months and I plan to continue nursing him until he decides he is finished.

I wasn't able to nurse and it was a huge source of guilt on my part so I very much support those mothers who are able and choose to do so. I also fully advocate nursing in public. If underwear models are ok with their breasts out for public display then feeding a child should not be viewed as obscene or make others uncomfortable. OK-- rant over.
Oh great. Here we go again. I am glad I didn't need that book behind her. I would have been like, "Ummm, excuse me miss, your boob is right next to Great Expectations. Do you mind if I grab that?"
Sometimes the book I want is directly behind someone's crotch. I just go for it. I figure everyone wants a feel, whether they're frantically dialing 911 or not.

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