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At last, the Swans! (pic heavy)


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 15, 2019
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Central Florida (Ruskin area)
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There's a small lake nearby called Swan Lake. Apparently, a few decades ago someone introduced some swans to the lake (the only ones around) and every time I go there (day after day after day with no luck) to get picks of them they're way far away in an inaccessible area. So yesterday, the day I decide to give up on going to the lake to get some shots of them I spot them very close by in the front yard of a house close to the lake. Imagine my surprise. Here are my first pics of a swan. To be more precise, a swan mama & papa + baby. The rumor going around is they had two other chicks but they died one way or another.
1 Say hello to Jr. he's a little wobbly but he goes.








Cool set an worth your wait.

Mute Swans are ten a penny here and can be seen close at hand any time. We have some other breeds on occasions too, Bewicks and Whoopers. They are generally seasonal migrants (tho I believe some areas has resident ones) and are a bit trickier to get to.
Cool set an worth your wait.

Mute Swans are ten a penny here and can be seen close at hand any time. We have some other breeds on occasions too, Bewicks and Whoopers. They are generally seasonal migrants (tho I believe some areas has resident ones) and are a bit trickier to get to.
Thanks, appreciate it. Which are worse about chasing people, swans or geese? My mom told me that when she was a little girl she had a goose chase her every time she walked past a particular house. The thing was almost as tall as her and she said it scared the hell out of her.
Thanks, appreciate it. Which are worse about chasing people, swans or geese? My mom told me that when she was a little girl she had a goose chase her every time she walked past a particular house. The thing was almost as tall as her and she said it scared the hell out of her.
Geese are probably more aggressive tho Swans have their moments too, particularly if they have cygnets on the go. That said, many live in areas where they're acustomed to humans so their aggressions is tempered.
Great Shots. I like the baby swan. We have many of them around here, but I have never seen a baby one to photograph. Nice job. Don't get too close as the male swan is very protective and will charge you.
Cool set! I like #7
Great Shots. I like the baby swan. We have many of them around here, but I have never seen a baby one to photograph. Nice job. Don't get too close as the male swan is very protective and will charge you.
Thanks, guys, appreciate it. I'll keep my distance. :wink-6:
It's a common fallacy (here anyway) that mute swans are powerful enough to break your arm if they attack. Simply not true.
It's a common fallacy (here anyway) that mute swans are powerful enough to break your arm if they attack. Simply not true.
Maybe you were just lucky? :icon_wink:
I've never been attacked by a Swan, they fear me. :eagerness:
It's a common fallacy (here anyway) that mute swans are powerful enough to break your arm if they attack. Simply not true.

I've never been attacked by a Swan, they fear me. :eagerness:
Some day, when you least expect it, some big, bad, alpha swan is going to take you down. He's going to put you in a triangle hold and put you to sleep and have his way with you afterwards. :wink-6:
Some day, when you least expect it, some big, bad, alpha swan is going to take you down. He's going to put you in a triangle hold and put you to sleep and have his way with you afterwards. :wink-6:
I'm strangely aroused.
Even more so now. Such mastery:angel:

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