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At and around the feeder.


A naughty little bunny...
Nov 28, 2011
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So I was silly and ended up pinching a nerve in my back. It kept me close to home :( so I decided to shoot some of the old and new guys at the feeders.
C&C always welcome and appreciated.

1. Oh, didn't see you there! May I have some seeds please?

2. Male Rose Breasted Grosbeak

3. Female Rose Breasted Grosbeak

4. White Crowned Sparrow

5. Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Little noisy, was the first time I shot these guys and was playing around with settings seeing what results I ended up with. This was one of the best in the bunch, can't wait to improve on it!

I love squirrels! They have such a fun life.. Just jumping around in trees looking cute and mischievous.

That little DIY above his right ear bugs me a little but he is cute!
Sorry about your back. #1 is a great shot :)
Nice images, thanks for sharing. You obviously have some different birds than we have in the West. Take care of that back - they can be really nasty at times.
Thanks Jax, Josh and WesternGuy :)
Wow, didn't see the thing on his ear??? Will have to edit another that doesn't have a ghostie in it lol
Thank you for the well wishes, just have to wait it out... It is literally a PITA ;)
Sory to hear you are not well... back issues are no fun! Nice shots! :)
Judi , A super set. Pic #1 would be so much stronger with a slight crop off the top. Just love the Hummingbird image. Nicely composed and exposed.

Sure hope you're mending from your back issues. Once you've experienced the "joys" of a bad back, they never quite go away. Believe these old bones only know that too well. There are some simple, easy exercises you can do to build up the muscles in the lower back.
Thanks Charlie and Joel.
Joel, yep doctor gave me the exercises to strengthen my back more, they are def helping... until I do something dumb lol
Very nice set #3 kinda gets lost in the background, #4 is my favorite.


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