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Artistic Statements

exactly. who gives a flying fuzz about what "inspires" you?
It's kinda both...lol I know some of the Galleries in the area need a statement w/ your portfolio.
exactly. who gives a flying fuzz about what "inspires" you?

Is this in response to my post?

My buyers do give a flying fuzz about what inspires me. But they want to hear it from ME, not from some idiot who doesn't know a fooking thing about me.

Now, whether what I say in my statements is worth anything is another story. :)
hmm. i'm confused.

i think an artist statement should be written by the artist, and be about the art, not about him or herself. anything about the artist should arise from the work, not from the artist's statement itself.
An artist statement is what, how, and why you do what you do, from your perspective. So it is as much about the artist, as it is about the art.
Perhaps so ... but I think it should be a bit more direct and concise. that's all.
Perhaps so ... but I think it should be a bit more direct and concise. that's all.

How can it be more direct than if it comes from the artist?

As for concise, well, it all depends on how messed up you are. Which is more concise out the next 3 choices:

1/ I shoot because of reason #1

2/ I shoot because of reason #2

3/ I just shoot.

#3 would be the most concise. And also the most boring. Which is not good when you are trying to sell your work. :)

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