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Art Walk...Jacksonville, Fl


TPF Noob!
Jan 25, 2012
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Jax, Fl
Can others edit my Photos
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i really like second, third and the fourth.....

In the last, the closeup-man helps to spoil the image; he covers a major part of the frame....or need i view this a new approach?

Regards :D
Thx! In the last pic I was trying to give the feeling of a crowded kind of grungy urban street w lots of activity on it, I wish my buddy (guy in frame) was further away though for sure.
thanks, its actually one of my personal favorites :) . The art walk here is a great spot for photography!
you might have skipped over my display...

i was in front of chamblin.
true, ill be at the next art walk! good to see jax reppin upon here

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