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Are photos modifed by software still considered to be authentic?


TPF Noob!
Dec 13, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hello, I am interested in getting opinions from professional photographers and publishers about this issue in general and in specific. In the specific case, if I use software such as Photoshop to remove shadow/brighten the photos of an unannounced product, will they still be considered to be authentic to be published in newspapers and magazines? Shall I just send them the originals and let them do the work?
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Such questions are best sent to said newspapers and magazines. There is no one-size-fits-all answer.
Depends on the purpose of the picture. For journalism, you are not to do much in the way of processing - some publishers want the Raw files specifically to make sure nothing is altered.

If you want your photographs published in Acme Fine Art, they will expect processing.
Hello, I am interested in getting opinions from professional photographers and publishers about this issue in general and in specific. In the specific case, if I use software such as Photoshop to remove shadow/brighten the photos of an unannounced product, will they still be considered to be authentic to be published in newspapers and magazines? Shall I just send them the originals and let them do the work?

Probably the same as those that have it done in the darkroom.
Likely depends a lot on the publication body - a small town newspaper might have some rules but likely not much - a major news chain likely wants your original JPEG or RAW; if JPEG they likely gave you a camera with the auto edit settings set how they want it or they'd stipulate it. You'd get the photo but they would then adjust it as they deemed fit.

There are also some legal restrictions and company guidelines and best practice etc.... that can influence these choices

So ask the publication(s) you are/intend to submit to for specific guidance.
Thanks. I guess I just give them the unaltered photos. If they want to improve the quality, they do it themselves. Most likely they do a better job than I do.
Technically, every digital photo is modified with software. Whether you like it or not, whether you believe so or not. They are. It's impossible not to take a digital image otherwise.

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