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Another One of the Wife (C&C)


TPF Noob!
Aug 12, 2009
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After messing around with Lightroom some more, I think I found another I shot I like from my first shoot with the 50D.

C&C encouraged.

What specifically are you looking for critique on ? composition? pp? other?
What specifically are you looking for critique on ? composition? pp? other?

I don't know, actually. I'm hoping people can tell me what, if anything, I messed up, or could have done better. :mrgreen:
I like it - only thing that distracts me is that little bright spot above the railing, over her head.
With those eyes, i wish she was looking AT the camera.

I do not like it's not straightened. She is definitely gorgeous, but did you get any of her looking at the camera?

Also, her forehead seems to be overexposed. The rest of her body could also use some work, especially on the jeans. Also, do you remember where you focused, from what I can tell on the image, it looks like the camera focused on her chest, and not her face. Always make sure to have the face/eyes in focus!

I like the pose. Try getting her to do that, but have her hand in her hair, kinda scrunching it up. See how that works out for you


As for focus, I was definitely trying to focus on her face, but it seems like I missed focus on a lot of the shots.

Here's another one from the same spot with her looking at the camera.

I haven't read any of the comments beforehand, so this is my uncensored thoughts.

Four things come immediately to mind....
1) the rails in the background have a dominating effect and are skewed.
2) her right arm is truncated and is a bit off putting.
3) her skin is very pasty and unattractive. The left arm in particular is horrendously portrayed, I'm thinking John Hurt in the Elephant Man.
4) lack of posture is really hurting her.
Bonus: she has a post extending through her head.

These are things that YOU, as the photographer, are responsible for. Research on your part is in order IMO.

Keep on shooting, but remain cognisant.
The colors are a little wonky I think, though that may be by choice.

The shot is a bit overexposed. Or at least the PP is. You can see some of the detail lost in her face.

It also looks a little undersaturated, though that could also be the overexposure.

I like her looking at the camera better, but the crop needs work- too much dead space up top for my liking, and I actually think it would be neat to crop it so her eyes and head are in the top left... possibly even cropped in a bit, though I'd have to play with it to see (your settings say not to dork with your photos, so I won't)
The left arm in particular is horrendously portrayed, I'm thinking John Hurt in the Elephant Man.

This made me legitimately LOL.

On a serious note, thank you for your comments. It's these types of things that I haven't yet learned to look for.
I'm glad you saw the humor. If you study portriature poses, one thing you will find universally, is that the female hand should not be shown flat to the camera. Rather , it is best to show the hand on edge, the amount of degree is up to the photographer. It is also my opinion that unless the image is of a matrimonial nature, hand jewelry is a no-go. Just my 2¢.
I really like that she is not looking at the camera. It is something different than most shots you see.

The strong green lines in the background are very distracting. My eye keeps going to them to see what they are. Focus on the face is a little soft to me. Others have said it, but the fence in the background is a little overwhelming. I guess my un-trained eyes are jumping all around the photo, instead of looking at the subject (who is quite nice though).

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