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angel between 2 crosses (photoshop challenge!)....>


Damn You!
Jan 21, 2006
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locked in the attic
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Thought this would be interesting to see what you can come up with using your editing software.

It can be anything you like........ make it 'Dark'...... maybe make it 'Light'..... whatever you want.

Have a play, and when there are plenty of entries, i'll decide a winner ;)

Here's the shot straight from the cam....... have fun!

nice job orchidboi :thumbup: ...... good take on it.
Very cool orchiboi. I will see if I can give this a shot over the weekend. Nice shot Archy.
Archangel said:
nice job orchidboi :thumbup: ...... good take on it.
It was fun with such a great image to begin with!

Chiller said:
Very cool orchidboi. I will see if I can give this a shot over the weekend. Nice shot Archy.

Looking forward to your image too, Chiller!
well done virenko and Verdegraph..... both great effects!.....:thumbsup:
NIce one Verdegraph...
Oh boy... I gotta get it together eh Archy. Still workin on mine.
Im kind of new to photoshop, but I love to learn and try new things. Maybe one day I can do magic with it ;-)

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