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An image of mine is being used without permission

yes, you'll catch more flies with sugar than vinegar!

Certainly no harm in asking them for a fee if you wish, takedown if not. But polite and professional is the way to go.
I seldom post here, but in my defense I read and view lot!:happyblush: The only way to keep your photos safe from being stolen is to not post them on the Internet. I post my photos on my own website and also on Facebook. I do this with the knowledge that anyone may download them at any time, even though they are watermarked. A friend of mine gave me a calendar last year, using my photos for each month. Even though these photos were "save for web" at low quality, the photos on the calendar looked professional.
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actually I would feel flattered if somebody did so .. maximum what I would do is to send them request to put there a credit .. I personally hate watermarks and signatures on photos .. who are we that we care so much for such a unimportant things ? I post a lot of my photos in best quality to for example unsplash .. If I have photo that I don't want to give anyone, I don't give it away .. I sell some prints and I am just flattered if somebody wants them ..
I find it flattering when people steal from me too!
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For those of you who don't care if your images are used with your permission or not... keep in mind there are people who DO care. For some, it's how they put a roof over their heads, feed and cloth their children, pay their bills etc etc.....
For those of you who don't care if your images are used with your permission or not... keep in mind there are people who DO care. For some, it's how they put a roof over their heads, feed and cloth their children, pay their bills etc etc.....
Very true.
It doesn't seem to be a government website. Looks like a local agricultural/pest control company.

No good though that they used it but it happens a lot everywhere. Good luck with that one.

Yes, you are right, they are a agricultural chemical company. "At AGRICOLA DASAM we have been offering agricultural solutions since 1985 to strengthen the Mexican countryside. Our commitment to our clients is to obtain the best results in their crops through a wide range of specialized products in the agrochemical industry"

Clearly marked on Flickr, copyright, all rights reserved, but easy to copy.

Hey, really nice photo!
Are they displaying it by linking directly to your flicker image or hosting it somewhere else?

If the former then perhaps you can edit the image while keeping it at the same URL. Paste an appropriate message onto it expressing how you feel about their theft. :)

I did that when an eBay seller stole my image and used it in his eBay listing. Needless to say, the edited image did not make his item appear very desirable.
If you just want credit, just add your name to the picture on Flickr and don't say anything. The picture would then be linked to the revised shot. The question I have is when you replace a picture in FLickr, does the link change?
Thanks I decided to submit a case and got the response - we don't take cases to Mexico. I will ask them politely and in Spanish for some money maybe £150 and hope for the best.

Better watch they don't send the cartels after you. Nasty lot them😁😉
Maybe you ask them to send you drugs instead of money? :) How about a bottle of tequila?

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