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Adobe Photoshop


Level 40 Squirrel Warrior
Mar 18, 2021
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The Colony, Texas, USA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I'm looking at the subscriptions, and would like to ask the following questions from People who aren't bots or working for the vendor. :)
1) LR+PS is $10/mo while PS alone is $20/mo. Does that sound right?
2) Does PS automatically upload your work the the 20GB that they provide as part of the package? Between Flickr, MS, Google, and Amazon, I don't need another location to upload my pix.
3) For those that use PS, I'm guessing that you find $10/mo to worth the cost, can you point out some of the benefits?

Thanks in advance!
The $20/mo plan includes Photoshop on desktop and iPad, 100GB of cloud storage, Adobe Fresco, Adobe Portfolio, Adobe Fonts, and Adobe Spark.

The $9.99/mo plan includes desktop or cloud LR, PS, Bridge and 20 Gb.

I dont like the cloud and use desktop versions on all. For me I more than get my money's worth, but I process a lot of images in a shoot. There are similar less expensive options, but none that provide me the same processing capabilities as Adobe, unless it might be the the more expensive Capture One, but that doesn't have the file management capabilities.
The $20/mo plan includes Photoshop on desktop and iPad, 100GB of cloud storage, Adobe Fresco, Adobe Portfolio, Adobe Fonts, and Adobe Spark.

The $9.99/mo plan includes desktop or cloud LR, PS, Bridge and 20 Gb.

I dont like the cloud and use desktop versions on all. For me I more than get my money's worth, but I process a lot of images in a shoot. There are similar less expensive options, but none that provide me the same processing capabilities as Adobe, unless it might be the the more expensive Capture One, but that doesn't have the file management capabilities.
I have the $10 plan but rarely use photoshop, LR mostly and never use the cloud storage. I have a OneDrive account that has a terabyte of storage. I have LR installed on 3 desktops, work, home and a laptop. Seems to work for me.
Re post 6
I use pse 9 paid a one off payment
Ok some day I will have to upgrade
Expanding on another comment above on cloud storage, I use it occasionally but I dont like the idea of being dependent on an internet connection. To many things can go wrong.

For storage, my current work is on a secondary HHD in the computer. As images and work age they're transferred to a 6TB external archive drive, with a directory that mirrors the internal drive. This archive drive is also in my LR catalog giving me instant access anytime I need it. So long as I use Bridge or LR to do file moves my LR catalog is automatically updated.

Another 8TB drive serves as my backup using a sync software that duplicates my working drives. Prior to moving images to this drive I use the batch processing capabilities of LR to embed the processing information in the file. This one is stored in a heavy duty fireproof safe. As the images on the 8TB archive drive age out or are no longer needed, they're transferred to archival grade DVDs which go into the safe.

My workflow is Bridge, LR, PS. In Bridge I do my first culling, then apply certain presets in a batch operation. In LR, I finalize culling, perform minor editing functions, then send it to PS for final editing. Back in, LR, I crop and export as required.
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I have the $10 LR subscription plan. I only use the cloud when I'm traveling. I download my photos to my iPad which then syncs them to the cloud. When I get home I download from the cloud to my desktop where I do most of my processing. Then I delete them from the cloud. I occasionally do some processing on the iPad but usually just simple stuff.

I have not used PS.... yet.
The only time I used the cloud was in the early days of photo bucket
I lost a lots of images , I moved and changed/ lost old e mail acc so could no longer access the pics
Who knows they are still out there somewhere
One of the things I like about MS OneDrive is you don't have to have cloud only. You can chose to keep the files on the desktop and cloud. I have OneDrive installed on 4 PC's and any changed or new files I put in any of the OneDrive folders on any device gets copied to all the PC's in the background. It's like having 4 instant, always on backup systems.
I use Photoshop Elements 20, one payment of £59...

I have PSE, but not wholly impressed. It keeps choking trying to import my photo library, and taking my entire PC down. That shouldn’t happen on a machine with 32GB of memory and six 3.6GHz cores. I need to dig deeper into PSEs capabilities.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You can chose to keep the files on the desktop and cloud.

I have One Drive and Google Drive, that I use occasionally for sharing, but I don't use either in sync mode, especially to cloud. My internet speeds are barely acceptable where we live. Having synch active really slows everything down and is redundant to my hardware storage anyhow. You can also do the same thing automatically in LR, synchronizing with your Adobe storage.
I have PSE, but not wholly impressed. It keeps choking

I've said it many times before that I cringe when these questions on which software to use come up, because they usually descend into a "My free, low cost, nonsubscription plan is better". I've not heard of any problems with PSE but never used it. Several years ago I used Corel Paintshop, which actually was a pretty good alternative to PS, however it had a bad habit of crashing in the middle of an edit.

I look at from the standpoint of need. If I was only doing minor edits on one or two images, then the lessor cost options would be feasible, but I'm not.
I have been using Photoshop Elements for about 20 years and several versions with no problems at all.

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