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A quick tip on focusing


TPF Noob!
Apr 28, 2008
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Zürich, Switzerland
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I took a picture of a dog for somebody recently, and, having read sabbeth999's excellent article on zoo photography, I ensured that I focused on the eyes. All seemed good until I looked at the picture on the computer - the eyes seemed razor sharp but the rest of the dog, even the hairs around the eyes, was not sharp - at all.

Eventually I realised that the focusing engine had focused on the reflection in the dogs eyes, and not on the dogs eyes.

I reshot the dog, but this time focusing on a point close to the eyes, but not actually on the eyes - result perfect ;)

I'm sure the old hands round here know this already, but I just thought I'd share what I gained from this experience.
I took a picture of a dog for somebody recently, and, having read sabbeth999's excellent article on zoo photography, I ensured that I focused on the eyes. All seemed good until I looked at the picture on the computer - the eyes seemed razor sharp but the rest of the dog, even the hairs around the eyes, was not sharp - at all.

Eventually I realised that the focusing engine had focused on the reflection in the dogs eyes, and not on the dogs eyes.

I reshot the dog, but this time focusing on a point close to the eyes, but not actually on the eyes - result perfect ;)

I'm sure the old hands round here know this already, but I just thought I'd share what I gained from this experience.

Thanks for the tips! :) Btw, this applies to portraits too?

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