sabbath999 No longer a newbie, moving up! Joined Apr 11, 2007 Messages 2,701 Reaction score 71 Location Missouri Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Mar 29, 2008 #1 EXIF: D300, 105 VR, 1/250s f/3.0 ISO800, shot through a glass enclosure.
ScottS TPF Noob! Joined May 14, 2007 Messages 2,334 Reaction score 0 Location Denver, Colorado Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Mar 29, 2008 #2 Nice! Beautiful lizard too! Love the colors. Makes me want the 105 VR...:mrgreen:
Trenton Romulox TPF Noob! Joined Mar 10, 2007 Messages 2,392 Reaction score 0 Location Maine Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Mar 29, 2008 #3 Excellent! The only critique I have of it is the white portion of the background in the top right, I find it mildly distracting. But, that's just nitpicking. 'Tis a great shot, sir.
Excellent! The only critique I have of it is the white portion of the background in the top right, I find it mildly distracting. But, that's just nitpicking. 'Tis a great shot, sir.
Harmony TPF Noob! Joined May 19, 2007 Messages 1,377 Reaction score 0 Location Vancouver Can others edit my Photos Photos NOT OK to edit Mar 30, 2008 #4 What a beautiful beardie! You even got him to black-beard for you . A beautiful, vibrant photo, as always.
What a beautiful beardie! You even got him to black-beard for you . A beautiful, vibrant photo, as always.