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A D40, Air Rifle and a Homemade Microsecond Flash

and how on earth does he time the shutter to release at the correct moment he must have taken lots of shots to get that and wasted a lot of nice tomatoes!! or have i missed the point?
According to the article he uses a laser trigger - I assume to fire the flash, it doesn't say.

I would imagine its a long exposure (funnily enough) with the flash freezing the motion.
I took a series of photos like that many years ago, I also took several of a hammer breaking a lightbulb. I used a mechanical trigger to fire the flash - I couldn't afford a photoelectric one at the time.

I would set the shot up then shut off the lights, open the camera shutter and fire the gun. The pellet would pass through what I was shooting then hit the trigger which fired the flash, after which I closed the shutter and switched the lights back on.

It takes a lot of tries to get something that looks really good, and I was shooting film so I never knew what I got until I had processed it.
A lot of these are shot with an aural trigger-- the ones of gunshots are generally always going to be done that way. The photographer opens the shutter, the gun fires, light goes off.
and how on earth does he time the shutter to release at the correct moment he must have taken lots of shots to get that and wasted a lot of nice tomatoes!! or have i missed the point?

shutter speed isn't an issue if the micro-second flash is the only light in the studio... he can be using a 1 second shutter speed, and it will still only expose for 1 micro second because that is the full duration of the light.
Iin short his photography ways are Wiked-mad. lol
that is awesome

I never would have thought about the long(ish) exposure and the flash.

I assumed he was just used the burst and wastedlotsa tomatoes.

I couldnt beleive the razor blade one! Thats ridicules! The sheet of glass is probaly my favorite.

Special mentions to the ornament filled with orange jelly and the ornament filled with water.
anyone know how to build such a trigger?

I do not know about the laser trigger, but if you search "sound activated flash" in google, you will find some DYI stuff.

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