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A couple of textures (abstracts) - C&C


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Apr 15, 2012
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Panama, Central America
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I think they'd both be better B&W, with a LOT more contrast.

Here's an example with #2

bark by franklinrabon, on Flickr
The detail is really good, what are you shooting with?
I tried the B&W before I posted on the bark, but I like how the color makes more alive... It looks too much like a rock I n B&W I. My opinion. And I increased contast by about 20 poinrs or so to make it more dramatic, but I still like the color better. As for equipment, I shot these with a Sony Alpha SLT-A77 with a Zeiss 16-80 lens (SAL1680Z).
The second doesn't do much for me. Pictures of bark for some reason don't really interest me. I do like the first one, and I suspect it's better with the tint and without a lot more contrast.
The second doesn't do much for me. Pictures of bark for some reason don't really interest me. I do like the first one, and I suspect it's better with the tint and without a lot more contrast.

I suspect it depends on what you're going for. If he actually does want these to be abstract, it shouldn't be immediately recognizable as bark. I think sometimes people call anything that is slightly boring 'abstract', which makes the term mostly devoid of actual meaning.

Abstract photos are photos where the subject isn't immediately recognizable, and instead the image is driven by texture, shape, etc. If a picture of bark looks like a picture of bark, it isn't an abstract image, it's just a relatively boring picture of bark.
I still struggle with textures for abstract myself. I can shoot tree bark and rocks all day, with great deatail, great shadows, great everything. But they still suck. In that they are not interesting enough for me to actually keep. I don't know how to get abstract and texture in one.

I'm not saying yours suck by the way, lol, was referencing mine. However, yours do not appeal to me as they are no different than most any of us can do within 100 yards of our house. Especially in Maine, we have rocks, jagged rock formations everywhere. lol

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