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Apr 9, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
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I see where your coming from with Entanglement but this is just another smoke picture.
Yep, just another smoke picture. Kind of like - just another landscape picture, or just another engagement picture.

I do some post process steps with my "just another smoke picture" images that are not commonly done by others.

Have you ever made any smoke pictures?

The title refers to a quantum mechanics property of elementary particle pairs, known as entanglement.

Elementary particle pairs always spin in opposite directions and are able to instantly communicate over vast distances if one of the pair has the direction of it's spin changed, so the other paired particle can change it's spin too, to stay instantly opposite.
Some how, no one yet knows how or why, their communication is not limited by the speed of light like everything else.

In my "just another smoke picture" the yellow and the gray being opposites, reminded my of the entanglement property of elementary particle pairs, which is why it got named 8ºEntanglement.
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looks good to me, I'm not all that familiar with 'smoke' pictures :D

how is that color achieved?
It's added with image editing software.

Here is a Flickr group of smoke images: Flickr: the fleeting beauty of smoke

That image is a negative. The background was black felt, the smoke is from a stick of incense, and the smoke is lit. For that image I used 2 strobe lights.

Here is what the original looks like:
I liked the colors and entanglement and its natural pathways, except its horizontally stretched appearance; was this shot vertically and turned horizontal or did you process it that way/ do you have its original?

Regards :D
Yep, just another smoke picture. Kind of like - just another landscape picture, or just another engagement picture.

I do some post process steps with my "just another smoke picture" images that are not commonly done by others.

Have you ever made any smoke pictures?

The title refers to a quantum mechanics property of elementary particle pairs, known as entanglement.

Elementary particle pairs always spin in opposite directions and are able to instantly communicate over vast distances if one of the pair has the direction of it's spin changed, so the other paired particle can change it's spin too, to stay instantly opposite.
Some how, no one yet knows how or why, their communication is not limited by the speed of light like everything else.

In my "just another smoke picture" the yellow and the gray being opposites, reminded my of the entanglement property of elementary particle pairs, which is why it got named 8ºEntanglement.

Well then. :gun: I like it.

No Kidding.
I liked the colors and entanglement and its natural pathways, except its horizontally stretched appearance; was this shot vertically and turned horizontal or did you process it that way/ do you have its original?

Regards :D
The original is in post #5.
Here is what the original looks like:

I wanted to see what it looked like in a more panoramic like 15 x 5 size, so I changed the image size and distorted it.

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