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6D vs 5DmkII vs 7D (Upgrading from a 600D)

7D is old.. go with 6D. No brainer!

Glad to see you chiming in!

As a professional, would you use the 6D on a job?

Yes. The only reason I didnt go with 6D is the card. I didnt feel like buying SD Cards. I really am not sure why people are still suggesting 7D. It is old! The 5DII was introduced in September 2008. The 7D was introduced exactly 1 year later. The 5DII is not being sold anymore. They are trying hard selling the 7D. That's why you see them at Costco! I would get 5DII for good price used or 6D brand new. I would save up and get 6D if I were you.
7D is old.. go with 6D. No brainer!

Glad to see you chiming in!

As a professional, would you use the 6D on a job?

Yes. The only reason I didnt go with 6D is the card. I didnt feel like buying SD Cards. I really am not sure why people are still suggesting 7D. It is old! The 5DII was introduced in September 2008. The 7D was introduced exactly 1 year later. The 5DII is not being sold anymore. They are trying hard selling the 7D. That's why you see them at Costco! I would get 5DII for good price used or 6D brand new. I would save up and get 6D if I were you.

Advice taken. At this point I'm more excited about the feature-set and performance of the camera as a whole, than its shortcomings in relatively small niches such as flash sync. I believe that this point, I'll be going with the 6D.
I recently went with the 6D after much the same soul searching (crop vs FF, $, IQ and processors). The 6D met all my needs, technically its a wonderful camera, don't let all the blah blah about focussing hold you back - there was a post somewhere where a guy just grabbed a tele, and snapped a hawk flying off a power pole and tracked it - so it'll do it. Ultimately, the photo's will be as good as your composition, exposure and lenses.

IQ is stunning, low light extraordinary, its light and feels great in the hand - those qualities are what drove me to FF and the 6D.
Knock the 7d off the list...FF is an upgrade that is completely necessary for what it seems you are doing. I would go with the 5dII due to build quality. Keep in mind that it is easy to find a 5dII for $1300 used.
I am a 6D owner (upgrading from 60D which I kept for a second camera) I thought I would share Dustin Abbott's interesting point of view on why he decided to go with the 6D over the 5DM3: DustinAbbott.net

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