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60D vs. D5100

Which one?

  • Canon 60D

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Nikon D5100

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters
60d is a low level mid range versus a entry body. I'd go for the 60d between the two.
Alright thanks, any more opinions? Also is the 18-200 lens good?
For me it would be the 60D any day. I chose my 600D over the D5100 for various reasons and have never looked back. While I am very happy with my 600D for how well it fits my varied needs (of video and stills), if your looking for a good still camera I'd pick up the 60D. Then again, the 600D has the same sensor as the 7D, which pays off big time in noise reduction at high ISO's.
Any others? I need to make decision by tonight, I really like the d5100 look and feel, but the 60d is nice too.
The D5100 simply does not match the 60D and there is really no need for a poll. It it were matched against the D7000 or the 7D, then a poll is warranted. Since you mentioned you have the budget, go for the D60. Do note that the "regular" kit lens for the 60D is an 18-135mm. Costco offers a kit lens with a longer focal length.
Go with the 60D. I'm biased, though, as that's what I shoot with. As for glass, I had the EF-S 18-135 and really liked its' IQ and zoom range. From what I've read, the 18-200 isn't as highly regarded, but then, I never owned one, either.
Why isn't the D7000 in the list? Slightly cheaper than the 60D. That would be more fair than comparing the D5100 with the 60D.
Just read your other thread: if your friends have Canon, ask them what lenses they have. Unless they all have just kit lenses, borrowing lenses is a great opportunity to learn more and have more fun.

I shoot Nikon, but I'd go for the Canon in your case.
Personally I'd go D5100 just because I like the look of noise better on the D5100 sensor than the 60D sensor. Then again I do own a 60D and D7000 so... I didn't compromise lol.
My friends have kit lenses, so borrowing wouldn't really help. Honestly, I really don't have a budget issue, but I want it around 1500, I can get the D7000, but it will come with one lens. I won't really need more than an all purpose kit lens btw, but more is nice, I kinda like Nikon's looks more, Nikon - D7000 16.2-Megapixel Digital SLR Camera Kit - Black - D7000 Kit with 18-105mm Lens and Nikon D5100 Black 16.2MP DSLR Camera, Backpack, Memory Card, Extra 55-300mm Lens are two things I am considering to get. What would you do as a beginner?
Also to add, I can get the d700 body and buy a separate lens, which would you recommend for all around use?
In answer to your question "What would you do as a beginner?" I would literally buy any camera and start shooting. Drooling over camera models woill not do you any good. Even a lowly point and shoot will be do. Not to be a snob, but choosing a camera is not based on "coolness". You already have enough inputs already. Just do it or not.
In answer to your question "What would you do as a beginner, I would literally buy any camera and start shooting. Drooling over camera models willl not do you any good. Even a lowly point and shoot will be do. Not to be a snob, but choosing a camera is not based on "coolness". You already have enough inputs already. Just do it or not. Next time you'll be asking about full frame cameras such as the D800, 5D Mk III, 1D, D4, etc.. Just start shooting.
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