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TPF Noob!
Aug 16, 2006
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Minneapolis, MN
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So. If I get this job like I hope I do, then I'll have some severence left over to play with - I'd like to use some of it towards my lil hobby.

Right now, I have a Nikon D50 with the kit lens, and I rent anything else I need. I do a lot of theater/dark/subdued lighting shots, so keep that in mind.

With $3000, should I:

Buy the D200 kit here, that comes with the 28-70MM lens for $2000, then a 50mm 1.4 (or 1.8) for $300 or so, then a higher zoom lens (As of yet undetermined). I'm thinking about the D200s 3200 ISO mode, and how the camera 'feels' in my hand with a variety of lenses..


The 50mm 1.4 for $300, the 300mm VR zoom for $1500 + the 17-55mm 2.8 lens for another $1300? (Yes, thats over, but I'm talking general dollar range)

OR... is there a 3rd suggestion?

I'm really learning towards the D200, because I held it and sorta fell in love with it, but am considering the glass approach too. Thanks.
Keep the D50 and get a 28-70mm f/2.8 (~$1400) and a 70-200mm f/2.8 VR (~$1600).

What 28-70mm lens comes with the D200 for $2000? Can't be the Nikkor I mentioned.
I think the D200 comes with a 18-200mm lens or something close. I would look into the D80 the body is about 700-800 cheaper and is 10 MP which I know is not as important as one would think but I will allow for bigger prints and a better ability to crop. Look into the D80 you could get that and one of the lenses you spoke of. Personally If I had that money to spend I would lok intot the 80-400 VR Nikkon and the D80, or the Nikkon 12-24 wide angle. Maybe just get the 80-400 and the 12-24 that combined with the lenses you already have should cover a solid focal range. Its always best to buy solid lenses and then upgrade your body. Although the D200 sounds like a great camera so you've got a great but tough decision.
My first suggestion would be lenses. You can't go wrong with good glass. But, the fact you are shooting in some low light conditions, the bright viewfinder in my D200 is one of the best I've see in digital. You may want to check out the D80 though. Might be worth it.
JDP ... I would buy lenses to your d50 ... ... then... after a few months when you save up more you can buy d200 :D and you'll have great lenses to it :D
Good lenses never go outdated especially with nikon. I would definitly go for the glass over the body. The d50 should work great for you and the d200 wouldn't be THAT much of an improvement for the extra cash. Plus then when you go to buy another body down the road it should be that much cheaper or who knows what will be out then.
I would get the D200 with the new 18-200mm VR IF lens. Then I would get a teleconverter(I really need a LOT of zoom) for a lens that I already have. I'm actually might do this.

Good luck!

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