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2 Shots. Depth of Field. Criticism Requested.

blow that dust off of your lens :P

no they are good, i'd like to see the focal of the lens more on the side facing that camera your shooting with if that makes sense, i don't know why i just like the focals there i guess im just weird
You know i feel like DOF is a personal preference on shots like these. For example i think a lot of people would say that the first shot would be better with a larger DOF, but then again having a small DOF right in the middle of the shot hones your eye to one specific area. I think the first shot is really unique in that your eye finds the focal point and then has to figure out what its looking at. I really like it. As for the second shot, i don't care for it as much, I would have eliminated the lens cap and cloth? and just focused on the lens (which btw that lens will be the next camera-related purchase i get!). But hey just keep playing around with it and you'll find the shot you're looking for!

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