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2 Night Shots


TPF Noob!
Dec 22, 2005
Reaction score
Springfield, MO
This was actually my first attempt with long exposure at night. Any feedback is appreciated.:)


Same here! I like the second one! great colours and I like the feel of the clouds!
Thanks. The second one is the ambient light from a nearby town. I wanted to get another shot of the stars but the clouds rolled in.
The #1 seems to have the star trails, how long is your exposure time?
Those clouds might not have done you a big favour in your attempt to capture star trails.
But they did do you a great favour so you could get this amazing photo of the light pollution - I really like your Photo 2 much better than 1.
goldensea80 said:
The #1 seems to have the star trails, how long is your exposure time?

The exposure was between 10 and 15 minutes. I wish we could've had time to go somewhere less lit but it was a spur of the moment photo trip. It was about 2am when I decided that I want to attempt a star pic so there wasn't a whole lot of time to get some place more secluded. Maybe the next attempt will be better!!
Thank you for all the comments, the second one is my favorite also! I'm getting ready to go to St. Louis so I hope I'll get some good pics there. It's my honeymoon so I don't know how much time I'll spend outside.;)
hazelwestphoto said:
Thank you for all the comments, the second one is my favorite also! I'm getting ready to go to St. Louis so I hope I'll get some good pics there. It's my honeymoon so I don't know how much time I'll spend outside.;)
Congrats ;)
I wish I have chance to take photos like that. Now I am working to earn enough to buy a good camera. Other difficulties, in tropical region, there are few clear nights that you can take good pictures of the skies :(
goldensea80 said:
Congrats ;)
I wish I have chance to take photos like that. Now I am working to earn enough to buy a good camera. Other difficulties, in tropical region, there are few clear nights that you can take good pictures of the skies :(

Everytime I think of it and try to go out for shots like that there's either clouds or too much light from the moon. I need to get out when it's a new moon. It took quite a while to save up for my camera, little bit at a time and a lot of patience. Hang in there.

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