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1st portrait shots c&c please


TPF Noob!
Apr 8, 2009
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very cool pics man, cute pic and very pretty girl (mother?) in the last pic!
Actually its my daughter in the first two and my wifes sister and her little boy in the third. Thanks!
In the first one, the subject is soft. Reds are a little pronounced and could be reigned in a bit. I think you'd be served by angling the box more because it looks as though the feet are coming out of the belly.

Some red issues here as well and a shade on the under exposed side. Unflattering shadows don't help too much down the neck. Good sharpness on the eyes but the DOF means the nose is OOF.

The last image is nice and sharp, perhaps a 1/3 to 1/2 stop underexposed. Your subject is the largest problem here. With that much leg and arm flesh, the faces get completely lost in the image. Portraits are, in general, about the face, and long sleeves, long pants, solid colors will help pull the focus to the lighter parts of the frame -- the fleshy bits.

Way better than my first attempts at portraiture and baby photos, though. :)
Thinks for the tips the first two are straight from the camera and the last has some editing done.
the two are fine shots with good skin colour. the third portrait of ur sister-in-law is very good.

portrait can be from top to toe.
portray means makes picture of....portrait means likeness...which may be of whole body or face...this is in my collin's gem dictionery.

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