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1st D-SLR for outdoor/sports/portait photos


TPF Noob!
Dec 19, 2005
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What would you guys?girls suggest it would be mostly for landscape photos and sports with the occational portrait inside what would you suggest? I would like the price around 1-1.5k maybe with a lens!
Any of the popular DSLR cameras would be good for portraits. Landscapes are usually easier with a wider view, so something will a 'full frame' sensor would be ideal...but way out of your price range. For sports, you will want fast shooting (high frames-per-second) and a big buffer.

Here is a side-by-side comparison of 4 cameras. From Canon, the Rebel XT and 30D....from Nikon, the D50 & D80.

One thing to note, is that the Canon 30D has the fasted frame rate, at 5.0 FPS. That would be good for sports.

The D80 is very new to the market, and looks to be a very good camera. Might be hard to find in stores though. I have a 20D (older model of the 30D) and I find it to be a great camera.

Of course, the right lens will also be a big help...so you might be better off getting a less expensive body and a better lens. The Rebel XT and D50 are both very good cameras as well.

A good thing to help your decision, would be to go into a store and hold the different cameras. The Rebel XT, for example is quite small. If that fits your hands, then that is a big plus. If it's too small, then look at a bigger camera (or consider a battery grip accessory).
I have been looking at the EOS 20D that you have and i like the 5 FPS and the price is close to what i am looking at it is like the EOS 30D right? I had a question on it what size is it I tryed out the Nikon D70 and the Sony A100 today at the store is it closer to that size or to the Rebel XT? I cant find that EOS 20 at any store around here! I know thats its a slightly older camera but they still make lenses that fit it right?
The 20D is the previous version of the 30D. They are basically the same camera but the 30D has a few improvements like a bigger LCD screen, bigger buffer and spot metering etc. They are the same size.

I think the 20D is close to the D70 in size. I haven't seen the A100 though. The Rebel XT is considerably smaller than the 20D.

All Canon EOS cameras (all auto focus film & digital SLR) can use Canon EF lenses. They have been making these lenses since 1988...and the 20D can use them all. There are also other companies that make lenses to fit these cameras (Sigma & Tamron etc.)

New Nikon SLR camera can even use older manual focus lenses.

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