
  1. C

    Hello everyone

    Hello everyone! My name is Charles and I live in Coventry, UK. I've been into photography for a long time, starting off with digital as many my age do (I'm in my mid 20s). I progressed from a cheap Samsung point and shoot to a Canon EOS 1100D, then a 60D and currently a 6D. My big interest at...
  2. D

    PLEASE HELP! Camera is not winding film :(((

    The camera is a: Canon Rebel EOS 2000 So, my partner wanted to start doing film photography and got this camera as a hand-me-down. I've had experience with film cameras, but usually they have a manual crank and this one has a little digital screen. I figured it would be easy enough and loaded...
  3. M

    New to photo and need a "start gear list" to start and learn nude photography...

    Hi everyone, disclaimer: I am French! and i know gear is "not that important" but i want to start well! i am new to photography, i learn fast (because i love to learn new artistic skills an i have ideas) (i know it takes time...). I want to make boudoir photography, nude photo and erotic...
  4. B

    Canon Sure Shot AF35 underexposure

    So I've been using this camera for a few weeks now and I use 400 film and my ISO/ASA is at 400 as well. I never change my settings but somehow some of my photos come out under exposed. Do i need to change my settings up to 1000 when shooting outdoors in the day or should i lower it to 200 or...
  5. N

    Canon EOS 3 35mm - Aperture Question

    Hey guys, new to the forum so this is my first post. I live in the Cayman Islands & I recently bought the Canon EOS 3 - 35mm film camera (without a lens). It's in excellent condition with all functions working including the LCD panel. I ordered the 50mm Canon EF 1.8 lens & attached it with ease...
  6. P

    Upgrading my EOS 1300D

    Hello, I decided to upgrade my EOS 1300D (my first DSLR) because it's focusing and a display limits me. I especially shoot portraits. I was browsing web and i found 3 models: 1. (NEW) EOS 250D features eye focus and Digic 8 processor, but feels kinda wierd (small) in my hands. 2. (NEW) EOS...
  7. K

    Wanting to upgrade my 55-250mm STM lens.

    Hi everyone. I'm looking to upgrade my Canon 80D lenses. I currently have: Canon 50mm f/ 1.8 STM Canon 24mm f/ 2.8 STM pancake lens Canon 40mm f/ 2.8 STM pancake lens Sigma 17-50mm f/ 2.8 ex dc os hsm Canon 55-250mm IS STM lens I'm looking to get into more natural photography (like nature and...
  8. S

    Autofocus not working on Tamron 28-300mm VC PZD lens (for Canon)

    Hi! I'm suddenly experiencing an auto-focusing issue with my Tamron 28-300mm Pzd VC f3.5-5.6 lens for full frame sensor cameras (Canon mount). I've never encountered this before with this or any other lens. And there was no gradual deterioration: from one day to the next, autofocus just started...
  9. Owen Shelton

    Canon A1 dark corners on focusing screen

    Hi everyone I have recently purchased a Canon A1 When looking through the viewfinder, the four corners appear to be getting darker progressively over time. As a result of this, I removed the focusing screen and noticed darkness on each corner as expected. I have fitted a new focusing screen and...
  10. M


  11. P

    CanonUK Live Chat

    Have anybody heard about Canon new live chat in the UK, I needed help with choosing my camera, (been thinking of going mirrorless for a while) and found a link to the chat. It was great was able to get my questions answered and help me purchase my next camera. The link is
  12. photoflyer

    Removing battery door

    For one of my Canon bodies I have the battery grip. Every time I remove the batter door to install it I feel like I'm going to break the tabs. Is there a trick to it or do I just have to continue being careful?
  13. P

    Canon Helpful Chat

    Seen this link on the other post and thought it'll be good for any people who have already got a Canon camera, it looks like Canon UK are offering a live chat, I use it the other day to help get a new lens, the people were really helpful the link is (no title)
  14. H

    Upgrade Advice?

    I currently have a Canon T2i and am looking to upgrade, whether that be in lens or in camera body. I really only take photos as a hobby, but I care enough to want my photos to look as professional as possible. However, I've had problems with getting sharp landscape photos... particularly of...
  15. rocketcityman

    Lens Recommendations for EOS R Videography

    Hi Everyone! An amateur here hoping to up his game, so please help me navigate any pitfalls here! I'm about to make a big leap (from my perspective) from an old beginners DSLR (Panasonic G3) into the world of Canon. The G3 has been fun but I've maxed out what I can do with it creatively. I was...
  16. S

    Canon EOS 300x - replace display. Does anyone have spare? :)

    Hi all, Im gonna buy Canon EOS 300x, but it has broken rear display. I cant find on net any spare displays for this model... Does anyone know, if it even possible to get item like that? thanks
  17. TWX

    Home, Sweet Home

    Canon EOS 77D, Pinhole, 3 second shutter, ISO100. Scaled 50% for forum, otherwise straight out of the camera.
  18. TWX

    Ignorant pawn shops, good for us

    Yesterday on a lark I stopped by a pawn shop, of a chain that I've had decent luck with at other locations. They had a Canon EF-M 55-200mm f/4.5-6.3 lens for $65. Returned today with the M100, it works just fine, AF and IS are good. Thing is tiny. I suspect they either didn't know what it...
  19. TWX

    Aperture to make the amateur's results better, what next?

    I went through my e-mail records, we ordered the 77D almost exactly one year ago, February 16th, 2019, and it arrived on February 21st. Since receiving it I've put a little over ten thousand shots through it, the vast majority single-shot snaps. I understand the exposure triangle. I think...
  20. TWX

    Why I don't think we'll ever see IBIS

    Christopher Frost's latest Canon RF 24-70mm f/2.8 lens review just appeared today, and while watching it, a comment of his struck me, in that Canon has apparently stated that their RF-mount lenses will come with new/better/extra features to distinguish them from their older EF-mount lenses. He...
  21. TWX

    Remote shutter release and back button autofocus

    I'm thinking about buying either the infrared or the bluetooth remote shutter release for my 77D. Wanted to clarify general Canon camera behavior first. If I have back button autofocus enabled and the on-body shutter button is configured to auto-exposure and shutter only, no autofocus, will...
  22. Benalpha30

    Wide Angle Lens Need: Can I kill two birds with one stone?

    I am a wildlife and landscape painter, and my current photography setup is a 7D MarkII and the Canon 100-400 L II- obviously this is great for shooting animals, but the next need I have is a good landscape lens to take reference shots for paintings. I don't need ultra wide angle necessarily...
  23. T

    Start up lights for studio, family and portraits shots.

    Hi, about to buy my first lights. Wondering if ive chosen the right ones. Thinking of buying Godox V1 and Godox AD200pro. Then build from there. Would that be a nice start or should i choose something else?
  24. Samuel.z

    Upgrading from Canon 750D (Rebel T6i)

    I've been at it with the Canon 750D for 4 years now and I still think it does a great job as a camera where I'm happy with the results even on print. However, I have found a few flaws with the body which makes me think it might be time to upgrade. I have looked at some mirrorless cameras as...
  25. TWX

    Rare Puppers

    When our friends hold parties on holidays that feature a lot of neighboorhood fireworks, guests are encouraged to bring their dogs so the dogs can be calmed down instead of left to fend for themselves at home alone. "Sadie" - per her owner the name is a portmanteau, half-Satan, half-cutie...
  26. Mitica100

    Santa brought me... a Canon 5Ds

    And loving it, after a first test! Need to take it out on a serious run now.
  27. TWX

    10-22mm EFS seems to be autofocus even when set manual

    So, not sure how widespread this is. I picked up a cheap 10-22mm EFS, other day when I set the switch to manual focus, it still seems to be autofocusing. Since it's full time manual focus override this isn't a massive problem, but certainly is an annoying quirk. Anyone else see this in this...
  28. BasilFawlty

    I Couldn’t resist BH Deal 5D Mark IV bundle

    (Disclaimer - I have no affiliation with B&H) Not long ago, I saw a special sale from one of the other well-known stores for the Canon 5D4, bundled with a Flashpoint Speedlight. The price was just under $2k for the bundle. To say this was tempting would be an understatement. The 5D4 is a...
  29. P

    is there hard glue inside the canon lens?

    dropped my camera accidently and this glue sticky residue started to show on my lens above the focus ring and I thought it was something that the camera picked up from the floor but then it is so hard that it wouldn't come out. I noticed its hard glue and was wondering if the fall was hard that...
  30. P

    Canon 1DX ii Review

    New Canon 1DX ii Review:
  31. P

    Best lens for social media (blogs/instagram)

    I'm a canon user so i'm thinking the 35mm-70mm would be perfect for it. however, are there better options?
  32. K

    Jewelry photography first attempt

    Today was my first attempt on jewelry photography. I'm using Canon 700d with Sigma 105mm f2.8 OS. I took a couple photos but not impressed so far. My lighting setup is two soft box on the sides and one light on the top. I diffused the light from all sides. Here 2 photos...
  33. M

    For anyone looking for a good DSLR camera

    Hi all, I recently had to replace my DSLR, Canon EOS Rebel XSI, due to the fact it gave me an error 99 message and could not be repaired. It was an 11-year-old ( released in April of 2008) camera and I had gotten it for free from a friend of my dad's who had used it for four or five years...
  34. Rui_Santos

    Blue eyes

  35. Rui_Santos

    Tropida criscollaris

    Tropida criscollaris from brazil
  36. R

    Canon 70D *SOLD* and *SOLD* Tamron SP 24-70mm F2.8 Di VC USD G2 (Canon Mount)

    Photos can be found on my sale ad here: FS - Canon 70D (Body Only) and Tamron SP 24-70mm F2.8 Di VC USD G2 (Canon Mount): For Sale and Wanted Forum: Digital Photography Review I'm selling some of my Canon items, including my lightly used Canon 70D and my Tamron SP 24-70mm F2.8 Di VC USD G2...
  37. Rui_Santos

    Brazilian Wasp

    Wasp from Brazil Manual focus stacked image
  38. Rui_Santos


  39. Ginny Dorrington

    Canon G9X

    I have a Canon G9X and am going on a cruise soon. I want to take a photograph of the night sky. There is a place on the ship where you can do this. Can anyone tell me the best settings for this? Thanks
  40. Rui_Santos


    Manual focus stacked image Canon 80D EF 100mm F/2.8 USM Macro 65mm ET Meike
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