Your FAVOURITE photo (or photos)


TPF Noob!
Nov 4, 2003
Reaction score
Indianapolis, IN
It's a tough call, I like several of mine, but this one I think is the all-time favorite. Funny thing is, I wasn't even into photography at the time. This was taken off the back deck of one of the Blue & Gold Fleet ferries in San Francisco that run the tour groups out to Alcatraz Island. It was taken with a crappy Kodak APS point-and-shoot. Lucky shot, I guess! A poster-sized version hangs in our bedroom.

Link's gone - :(

(Sorry for the small size and chunky border. I'm trying out a new online photo album place and I'm not sure if I like it or not! ;)
Best photo is definitely a loaded question. I think your shot strikes a chord with all free loving people. Did you take a lot of exposures of the flag? I am sure the full size version is even better. One of the beauties of photography is capturing that special moment. It is even more exciting when it is seemingly random. How excited were you when you got the photo back from the lab? Can digital photography match that excitement?
Anyway, here is a recent highlight. I am afraid I will have to do some investigating for the "best" photo.
Link gone :cry:
Just great, I've been had. It is the "flopped" image that made me chuckle. I figured that since there are no "truths" in photography what the hey?

Anyway. Great shot of the trumpet (or whatever) I can tell this is going to be a good thread. Extra credit to Shark and all those participating 8)
Ugh, hard tp pic a favorite. This one has a certain charm. I love grasses but they are difficult to capture.
So far, this is one that seems to get a lot of good reactions from friends and family...

Like photobug, I believe my best photo is yet to be taken. Here's one that I'm quite fond of, though:


A lot of people seem to think I have played with this in Photoshop, but I haven't. It is "as is" bar some cropping. It is a picture of my wife on the top of Table Mountain (Cape Town) at sunset, taken around 2 years ago.

Actually, I tell a lie (I forgot)... I did tweak the brightness a little in order to darken the foreground a little further, but that is all.

Moved since this topic is what goes on in the photo theme forum.

I have many favorites and this one is at the top of the list.

We shall never know ... link gone :(
You need to find a host to upload a photo. There is a thread in the gallery that says "The on-going list" take a look there.

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