YOU and YOUR camera!


TPF Noob!
Jul 21, 2005
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Ok so heres how this goes.... post a photo of yourself and your cam doing your thaaaang!!

Any time, any place, any where and any how!

Go Go Go!!!

Awww :cry: - link gone
Awww :cry: - links gone

my cam is around my neck, i promise :)
Oh, my son's photos get a platform to be shown here at last, cool (taken during the International Folklore Festival in Scheessel on July 16, 2005):



That camera has (maybe) died on me last weekend :cry: :cry: :cry: .... so shortly before the European Meet-Up. Too bad. Way too bad!!!
The fun thing is that other people almost only take pictures of me taking pictures when I do strange poses to catch a detail or get a good angle. Well, there are a few more normal ones :) Even thogh, there's just one with MY REAL camera (the one taking pictures of statuettes in a fountain in Berlin (top right)), all others are borrowed ones ... So there I am resting after taking about 500 pictures at one day, fiddling with some cam settings, shooting a fountain, waiting for seagulls to stand still and catching light effects on a water surface.

Awww :cry: - link gone
Ok here are a few of me, great thread BTW

Awww :cry: - link gone

Hanging out the window of my car doing about 65 across the Bay Bridge in Anapolis MD

Awww :cry: - link gone

Me in the reflection of a window with that shiny mylar stuf on it. The scar on my elbow and forearm nice and visable :confused:

And here is my all time favorite

Awww :cry: - link gone

me at 2:00am in the mirror of a hotel room after doing an 18 hour photoshoot with 6 models
here is me, doing the thaaaang
and yes, i am aware that the silver balls are a tad dirty and it isnt a good focus, but im working on that :)

Awww :cry: - link gone

and more me's

Awww :cry: - link gone

Greetz Daan
Great Thread Everyone!

My wife is always snapping pictures of me while I enjoy my time behind the camera. She put together a couple collages together.


I personally like this one taken with my Spotmatic

This is from Nov 2004.
Awww :cry: - link gone

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