Yellow Rose Macro


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Jan 18, 2014
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Hi All.

Which version of the yellow rose do you like best.

All 3 pics have different depth of field applied. F2.8 / F5 / F10.

Pic 1

Pic 2


Pic 3


All comments welcome.

In the first photo, in my opinion, the environment is too much of a disturbing factor in the whole, in the second photo I miss the sharpness where I think it should be, in the heart of the flower, so that leaves photo three with the most sharpness , but with a slightly too busy background. In addition, I think the position of the object in all three photos is not ideal and perhaps it would have been better to take a slightly nicer flower from the vase. I have added a small edit to it, of course this is entirely my view, which you obviously do not have to share, but it may give you new ideas. I sharpend the photo a bit, diffused/blackened the background slightly and did some retouche.

View attachment 271021
Always interesting to hear other opinions. That's why I post examples like this.

I deliberately chose that particular bloom because of the slightly perished state. I was not looking for perfection.

I see what you are going for but on the whole I prefer to have a bit of context.

Thanks for the input.

Strikes me that cropping and background take a backseat to the blocked-up and unnatural color. Petal detail MIA.
1 for me. Difficult to do a macro of the flower at that angle without focus stacking. The out of focus bits in the flower distract the eye in the first two. Still I prefer the first one over the more in focus last shot due to the lighting. Too many shadows in number 3 for this subject for me.

Interesting exercise. Which is your preference?
1 for me. Difficult to do a macro of the flower at that angle without focus stacking. The out of focus bits in the flower distract the eye in the first two. Still I prefer the first one over the more in focus last shot due to the lighting. Too many shadows in number 3 for this subject for me.

Interesting exercise. Which is your preference?

I wanted to do something a bit different. A single shot with a narrow depth of field.

Number 1 is my favourite. This was taken using 1 off camera flash unit (Godox MF-12) . I tried the wider DOF but did not like it as much as just having the absolute centre of the bloom in focus. I like the fact you were distracted by the OOF bits. I am trying to get more focus points to attract the viewer to the important bis of a pic.

Lets call this a work in progress.


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