Who is processing Fuji files with Adobe?


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Are you using the subscription service? What are you using for the raw files? Do you use the iPad version of LR? Are you Mac or pc? Do you use Iridient?

I will soon need a new laptop or Desktop. Currently I have a very old toshiba laptop connected to an external monitor and the only computer processing software I have is an old version of Elements (11). I mostly edit on my iPad using Affinity for iPad but the lack of file management is getting to be an issue.

Haven’t decided yet if I want to shell out the money for a MacBook Pro but if I do I will likely move to Adobe subscription service and use the Iridient X plug in to convert raw files. Other than file management and ease of use, a secondary reasons I’m considering the move is that most of the discussions, advice, tutorials and workshops only reference how to do things in Lr which is getting more and more difficult to overcome as I get into more complicated processing techniques.

I have to decide Mac or Pc first but need to also consider my main use which will be storing and editing photos.

What is everyone else doing?
First of all if you go to pc look carefully at what software will work with win 10 PSE 13 does not always work.
You could look at DNG raw file converter. I don’t know a thing about Mac so can’t help there
File management, I see so many different ways using so many different programmes
I have a folder per month, with sub folders if needed. I have a working folder called Darkroom, yea original I know,
That is copied over to the month folder at the end of the month. That way there is the original shot plus the finished shot and any stages between. I have a real life paper print in a plastic a3 ring binder with all the settings, date taken date edited and final file name written on the back. If an series of pics are really important I will do the digital equivalent of contact prints and put them in the binder. Storage wise some say full of three others call it grand father,father,son. But you have three copies of your files on three separate storage devices, if poss one of those should be off location. This could be external hard drives, using the cloud as well as the pc hard drive, I used to be part of the buddy system where a friend/bubbly would hold my external hard drive and I would have one of there’s just in case of worst event at home.
Hope this helps
I currently have a Dell that was an urgently made mistake.

(My HP died and took alot of photos with it.)

I am currently running:
Canon DPP
Phase One Capture One
Hasselblad's Freeware

ironically, with the Fuji I am actually doing most of my post in Windows photo software and sometimes Gimp.
I`m using a Dell 2in1 17in and use C1 Pro20 with Affinity Photo and Luminar 4.
Are you using the subscription service? What are you using for the raw files? Do you use the iPad version of LR? Are you Mac or pc? Do you use Iridient?

I will soon need a new laptop or Desktop. Currently I have a very old toshiba laptop connected to an external monitor and the only computer processing software I have is an old version of Elements (11). I mostly edit on my iPad using Affinity for iPad but the lack of file management is getting to be an issue.

Haven’t decided yet if I want to shell out the money for a MacBook Pro but if I do I will likely move to Adobe subscription service and use the Iridient X plug in to convert raw files. Other than file management and ease of use, a secondary reasons I’m considering the move is that most of the discussions, advice, tutorials and workshops only reference how to do things in Lr which is getting more and more difficult to overcome as I get into more complicated processing techniques.

I have to decide Mac or Pc first but need to also consider my main use which will be storing and editing photos.

What is everyone else doing?

I'll stay out of the MAC/PC question. I have a Windows system and home and get along with it just fine and I have MACs at work and get along with them just fine.

The Adobe/Fuji question is a can of worms. Adobe's demosaicing approach to Fuji RAF files produces images with poor (smudgy, smeary, wormy artifacts) fine detail rendition. It's evident in the very fine detail and for lots of folks that's not an issue so they're happy with the Adobe/Fuji combination. There's no good fix for the problem. You noted Iridient and Adobe now provides their Enhanced Detail option. Both solutions could be used as dictionary entries to define the term "kludge." They both require creation (slow creation) of a huge 16 bit linear DNG intermediary file which then has to substitute as your original for further processing.

Fuji X-Trans is at the root of the problem. The X-Trans CFA requires different handling when demosaiced and it's tricky. As a result there's a lot more variation out there in results from the different raw processing programs as opposed to a classic Bayer CFA.

I do most of my Fuji RAF processing in Capture One.

So...no one who has responded so far is using Adobe for Fuji files.

I currently have a Dell that was an urgently made mistake.

(My HP died and took alot of photos with it.)

I am currently running:
Canon DPP
Phase One Capture One
Hasselblad's Freeware

ironically, with the Fuji I am actually doing most of my post in Windows photo software and sometimes Gimp.

I had a very expensive HP that lasted only 3 years. Never again. Managed to resuscitate it long enough to get my initial into an external drive which then had its own issues. Technology sucks. I also tried Dell next - it lasted longer but had a lot of issues with the wireless connection and would freeze or shut down for no reason. My current laptop is my daughter’s hand me down Toshiba that I took over when I got her a MBPro about 5 years ago. That thing takes all her teenage abuse and is still going strong. one of the many reasons I’m considering shelling out big bucks for the new MBPro.
Build your own PC :345:
As you might know, what ever PC/Laptop you get make sure it`s got SSD as they are just so much faster.
So...no one who has responded so far is using Adobe for Fuji files.
I had a very expensive HP that lasted only 3 years. Never again. Managed to resuscitate it long enough to get my initial into an external drive which then had its own issues. Technology sucks. I also tried Dell next - it lasted longer but had a lot of issues with the wireless connection and would freeze or shut down for no reason. My current laptop is my daughter’s hand me down Toshiba that I took over when I got her a MBPro about 5 years ago. That thing takes all her teenage abuse and is still going strong. one of the many reasons I’m considering shelling out big bucks for the new MBPro.
IMO, as some have said, build your own.
But, it can be very pricey.

Because i am not an Apple fan per se, I dont run a Mac. But some have told me it might be worth it.

I still haven't loaded the Fuji software yet so I haven't evaled the program with the Fuji photos.

Im happy with the programs I have now, and may dump the Phase one if I cant get the Blad to cooperate. ($21 a month for it).

I still haven't found a good puter to work with yet, and I am not really desiering to put out yet again more monthly subscription money for a program that may its own issues with compatibility and the inability to use if the net is down.
So...no one who has responded so far is using Adobe for Fuji files.

I currently have a Dell that was an urgently made mistake.

(My HP died and took alot of photos with it.)

I am currently running:
Canon DPP
Phase One Capture One
Hasselblad's Freeware

ironically, with the Fuji I am actually doing most of my post in Windows photo software and sometimes Gimp.

I had a very expensive HP that lasted only 3 years. Never again. Managed to resuscitate it long enough to get my initial into an external drive which then had its own issues. Technology sucks. I also tried Dell next - it lasted longer but had a lot of issues with the wireless connection and would freeze or shut down for no reason. My current laptop is my daughter’s hand me down Toshiba that I took over when I got her a MBPro about 5 years ago. That thing takes all her teenage abuse and is still going strong. one of the many reasons I’m considering shelling out big bucks for the new MBPro.

I do have experience using Adobe with Fuji RAF files. I have LR/Photoshop installed because I have to teach them and so I do check every so often when Adobe updates the software to see if they haven't made changes. If you like I can show you the issue and some of the differences.

heck every so

(Not speaking for SP here)

To be honest for me I wont use Adobe anymore because of the subscription aspects.

I am still feeling pretty burned by PO Capture One and the end result with the software.
So...no one who has responded so far is using Adobe for Fuji files.

I currently have a Dell that was an urgently made mistake.

(My HP died and took alot of photos with it.)

I am currently running:
Canon DPP
Phase One Capture One
Hasselblad's Freeware

ironically, with the Fuji I am actually doing most of my post in Windows photo software and sometimes Gimp.

I had a very expensive HP that lasted only 3 years. Never again. Managed to resuscitate it long enough to get my initial into an external drive which then had its own issues. Technology sucks. I also tried Dell next - it lasted longer but had a lot of issues with the wireless connection and would freeze or shut down for no reason. My current laptop is my daughter’s hand me down Toshiba that I took over when I got her a MBPro about 5 years ago. That thing takes all her teenage abuse and is still going strong. one of the many reasons I’m considering shelling out big bucks for the new MBPro.

I do have experience using Adobe with Fuji RAF files. I have LR/Photoshop installed because I have to teach them and so I do check every so often when Adobe updates the software to see if they haven't made changes. If you like I can show you the issue and some of the differences.


sure that would be helpful

heck every so

(Not speaking for SP here)

To be honest for me I wont use Adobe anymore because of the subscription aspects.

I am still feeling pretty burned by PO Capture One and the end result with the software.

Whike I don’t love the subscription idea I also think there is something to be said for getting free continuous updates and it’s a decent value I think for what they’re charging IF you are using it fully. If you’re someone who doesn’t do a lot of post processing or who has dozens of other interests and only uses it a few times a month then maybe it’s not a great deal.
So...no one who has responded so far is using Adobe for Fuji files.

I currently have a Dell that was an urgently made mistake.

(My HP died and took alot of photos with it.)

I am currently running:
Canon DPP
Phase One Capture One
Hasselblad's Freeware

ironically, with the Fuji I am actually doing most of my post in Windows photo software and sometimes Gimp.

I had a very expensive HP that lasted only 3 years. Never again. Managed to resuscitate it long enough to get my initial into an external drive which then had its own issues. Technology sucks. I also tried Dell next - it lasted longer but had a lot of issues with the wireless connection and would freeze or shut down for no reason. My current laptop is my daughter’s hand me down Toshiba that I took over when I got her a MBPro about 5 years ago. That thing takes all her teenage abuse and is still going strong. one of the many reasons I’m considering shelling out big bucks for the new MBPro.

I do have experience using Adobe with Fuji RAF files. I have LR/Photoshop installed because I have to teach them and so I do check every so often when Adobe updates the software to see if they haven't made changes. If you like I can show you the issue and some of the differences.


sure that would be helpful

heck every so

(Not speaking for SP here)

To be honest for me I wont use Adobe anymore because of the subscription aspects.

I am still feeling pretty burned by PO Capture One and the end result with the software.

Whike I don’t love the subscription idea I also think there is something to be said for getting free continuous updates and it’s a decent value I think for what they’re charging IF you are using it fully. If you’re someone who doesn’t do a lot of post processing or who has dozens of other interests and only uses it a few times a month then maybe it’s not a great deal.

It can be a good deal for those who need and use it. LR's DAM features are industry unique and overall it's good software.

The "Fuji demosaicing problem" -- I will be happy to show you some examples of the issue but I have to beg your patience. The rest of my evening is booked and I'm up early tomorrow and off to class (9:00 am till 4:00) -- I'll be teaching LR to a bunch of college students. I'll get back to you then tomorrow early evening or tomorrow night.

So...no one who has responded so far is using Adobe for Fuji files.

I currently have a Dell that was an urgently made mistake.

(My HP died and took alot of photos with it.)

I am currently running:
Canon DPP
Phase One Capture One
Hasselblad's Freeware

ironically, with the Fuji I am actually doing most of my post in Windows photo software and sometimes Gimp.

I had a very expensive HP that lasted only 3 years. Never again. Managed to resuscitate it long enough to get my initial into an external drive which then had its own issues. Technology sucks. I also tried Dell next - it lasted longer but had a lot of issues with the wireless connection and would freeze or shut down for no reason. My current laptop is my daughter’s hand me down Toshiba that I took over when I got her a MBPro about 5 years ago. That thing takes all her teenage abuse and is still going strong. one of the many reasons I’m considering shelling out big bucks for the new MBPro.

I do have experience using Adobe with Fuji RAF files. I have LR/Photoshop installed because I have to teach them and so I do check every so often when Adobe updates the software to see if they haven't made changes. If you like I can show you the issue and some of the differences.


sure that would be helpful

heck every so

(Not speaking for SP here)

To be honest for me I wont use Adobe anymore because of the subscription aspects.

I am still feeling pretty burned by PO Capture One and the end result with the software.

Whike I don’t love the subscription idea I also think there is something to be said for getting free continuous updates and it’s a decent value I think for what they’re charging IF you are using it fully. If you’re someone who doesn’t do a lot of post processing or who has dozens of other interests and only uses it a few times a month then maybe it’s not a great deal.

It can be a good deal for those who need and use it. LR's DAM features are industry unique and overall it's good software.

The "Fuji demosaicing problem" -- I will be happy to show you some examples of the issue but I have to beg your patience. The rest of my evening is booked and I'm up early tomorrow and off to class (9:00 am till 4:00) -- I'll be teaching LR to a bunch of college students. I'll get back to you then tomorrow early evening or tomorrow night.


At your convenience. I’m not in a rush to make a decision. I need to decide about the Mac vs Pc and Adobe vs Capture One or Affinity desktop. I’d prefer to use Adobe for the reasons stated previously but only if the worm issue is resolved.
I recently had a PC desktop built and went the subscription route with Photoshop, Lightroom and Premiere Pro. Before I was using Photoshop CS5 and ACR6 for editing. The old programs did not read Fuji raw files so I had to take the extra step and convert to DNG. Since I am skipping that route now I did notice the Fuji files look better with Photoshop & ACR & LR 2020. In Lightroom or ACR I either not sharpen or mask liberally in that panel. The new subscriptions do not have my Fuji lenses in the lens correction menu so still doing that manually. I am happier with the Fuji files now and don't notice the "worms" like I did before. But, I usually don't crop heavily.

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