Which camera


TPF Noob!
Sep 25, 2023
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United Kingdom
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I use my camera for photographing coins to be listed on ebay. My Sony DSLR A33 has just died.

Could somebody recommend a good replacement? I often crop the pictures a little, and with ever growing picture sizes an improvement on the 14 mega pixels would ensure usability for the future. If I could use my current lenses then that would be a saving in money, which I believe are Sony/Minolta Alpha? However, I generally only use a macro lens, so this isn't essential.

The one thing I've always struggled with is the size of the viewing screen. So I'd like to be able to connect the camera to my windows computer and see the actual picture I'm going to take on a full size screen before I take it. This will also help with some tripod pictures I take.

I've rather keep costs down, but this isn't essential. I'd guess around the £200 mark? But please advise if this is realistic. Also, if there was a much better option costing more than this then I'd consider it too.

Photo stacking would be good, but not essential.

Please keep in mind, the cameras have to be generally available to buy on ebay, it would be difficult to try and buy a camera you simply don't see come up for sale.

So to list again.

More than 14 mega pixels essential.
Sony/Minolta Alpha mount.
Screen viewing essential.
Photo stacking desirable.
Must be commonly available on ebay.

Any other advice greatly appreciated.

Many thanks indeed in advance.

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