Where to get photo mats?


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 21, 2013
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Bailey, Colorado
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I have never really bought mats for photos, just acquired them randomly. I scored a few frames at the thrift store yesterday that are 16x20 that I am excited to fill, but I am looking for mats cut to 12x18. I don't think that is a standard size cut. Is there some magical online store I should be looking at, or am I best off going to Michael's/hobby lobby and hoping they don't charge too much for the custom mats?

Thank you for your thoughts!
I have never really bought mats for photos, just acquired them randomly. I scored a few frames at the thrift store yesterday that are 16x20 that I am excited to fill, but I am looking for mats cut to 12x18. I don't think that is a standard size cut. Is there some magical online store I should be looking at, or am I best off going to Michael's/hobby lobby and hoping they don't charge too much for the custom mats?

Thank you for your thoughts!
You can get mats cut to any design (including multiple mat styles) at Hobby Lobby, but if you're going to do very many of them in upcoming years, I suggest you get a mat cutter and make your own. Just be careful with that sharp knife.
@Designer what a great idea! My photography class in high school had a mat cutting station and we were required to mat every assignment so I remember using them, but I hadn't thought of getting a home setup!

Where do you get your uncut mats?

@kmhh Thank you! I will head over and check them out.
I used arttoframe.com for custom mattes and even cheap custom frames
Where do you get your uncut mats?
Hobbith Lobbith has mat cutters and mat. Also foamcore, which makes a good spacer under a photograph, if you need it.
I cut my own using the Logan 2000 mat cutter, a 48" steel ruler, and a sheet of plywood with a self healing mat. Lay the mat down, clamp the ruler on each side with clamps, and cut. I have a sizing calculator on Excel. Enter the basic information it gives me the dimensions. I generally cut several at a time because it takes longer to get everything out than it does to cut the mat.
I cut my own. I've gotten mat board from Michaels and A C Moore, but I prefer Dick Blick (formerly Utrecht in this area).

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