What should my next lens be?

Bill Kelly

TPF Noob!
Dec 21, 2018
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I am getting back into photography after a longgggg break. I have a Canon T6 bundle which can with two lenses. I mostly shoot landscape photos. My question is what should I look for as a next lens
What do you want to do that your current lenses prevent from doing?
Well, I can't zoom as much as I would like on some shots, and I some wider angles would be nice.
Assuming you've got the 18-55 and 75-300, then I'd look for a 12 to 14mm prime, plus a 400 or 500.
I have the Canon 10-18mm and it is a pretty nice lens. I recently purchased a Tamron 100-40mm and it has performed well for me so far.
Assuming you've got the 18-55 and 75-300, then I'd look for a 12 to 14mm prime, plus a 400 or 500.
Thank you, I was thinking a Prime lens so this will give me an idea.
I picked up a used 300mm f 4 L with the 1.4 x teleconverter. I use it on a crop sensor camera for daytime sports and wildlife and it is has been fantastic. I paid 750 for both (again used). Now it sounds like you intend to shoot subjects other than what I use it for, but, if you really want "reach" with white lens quality this is a great way to achieve it.

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