What sheet film to get?


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Jun 8, 2010
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The last shoot I did worked out but I feel like I need a faster speed film. I used Kodak Tmax 400 and was stuck shooting at about a 10th or so of a second. Since it’s 4x5, it seems I’m limited to a 400 speed film so what would be the “best” one to push a stop or two?
What are you trying to shoot?

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I'd just push TMax. Mass Dev chart has times for it developing in HC110. Or HP5+ in same developer. I've never pushed TMax but have HP5+ (135) in HC110 and it works fine in HC110 @800 or 1600. There are other developers out there that produce finer grain but I just use HC110 because of its simplicity and I like grain anyway.
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What are you trying to shoot?

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Indoor window light. This was a test to try out a bit of new metering technique I was taught, to see if the space was workable and a start to try to shoot like Jan Scholz. It was successful on some levels and I learned that I need to shape the light coming in better. Anyway this was with the tmax 400 and my lens has a max of f/6.3, so it was pretty slow shutter speeds.

When I push T-Max I use Kodak X-Tol developer. You can easily push to up 1600 with very little loss in shadow detail/contrast and diluted to 1:1 cuts down on grain.
I assume speed lights are out and you are after only natural light?

Whats wrong with using 1/10 of a second, I dont really see any motion blur in your stuff and the images look great. Is there something thats limiting you at 1/10th you need to overcome?

You could always alter your lens. For the price of two boxes of film you can grab an old speed graphic lens and work at F 4.7 they produce quite nice results.

I really like Delta 100 for 4x5 but I dont shoot a whole lot of portraits.

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