What professional lab do you recommend for old film?


TPF Noob!
Nov 22, 2019
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Good evening. Today I came across two rolls of 220 that I never had processed. I am sure they must be from about 1995 or so. After eighteen years I dissolved my studio business in 2000 and moved to the wilds of Wyoming to escape and be a cowgirl ;) This film has been in a storage unit in a box and I came across it today. Kelley Photographic Imaging, later known as KPI out of DePere, WI had always been my lab but I don't find them online. Is there a lab you would recommend? Thank you for your help.
Here where I work we use a control strip monitored C-41 Noritsu V50 machine and I do the BW process by hand..... Home -
I've used Dwayne's and like being able to get 'wet' prints done in photo chemistry if I want. And get my negatives back. I've heard Richard lab is good. Or there's The Darkroom in San Clemente, which can do prints from digital scans or provide a CD.

I've had old B&W film developed that was in a camera for years/decades and it turned out fine. Color film can shift so you might get some funky color (which could be fun??).
Thank you all for your help, I appreciate your suggestions and experience.
Make sure you speak to someone at the lab first and mark the film as to the situation and what is required in special processing. Otherwise they'll just process normally and mess it up for you.

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