What do you guys think, Fujifilm X-E1?


TPF Noob!
Aug 2, 2012
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Vancouver BC
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What do you think about this camera?

What I like about it from what I can see:
- APS-C sensor size
- You can get a 35mm 1.4 lens with apature ring
- Manual buttons everywhere
- Probably quiet shutter compared to DSLRs?
- Small'ish
- looks cool!
3Dd - There is something compelling about the images I've seen from this camera. And I love the rangefinder form-factor - with a great built-in electronic viewfinder. And the kit lens is f/2.8-4.0, not f/3.5-5.6 (like the NEX-6 and NEX-7). Yes, Fuji X has fewer lenses than NEX, but the lenses they do have are the fast lenses that shooters need (like the 35mm f1.4), not the initial wave of slow lenses we saw from Sony.

In case you missed them, here are a couple of great video reviews of the camera:

DigitalRev: Fujifilm X-E1 Hands-on Review - YouTube

The Camera Store: Fuji XE-1 vs Sony NEX-6 Shootout - YouTube

If you're not a video shooter, if your budget can handle the $1399.95 price, and if you want a mirrorless APS-C camera, the X-E1 should be at the top of your list, in my view.


I am really considering either the Fuji X-Pro or the XE-1 as my next camera.
I have recently been using old range finders, and have found that I am preferring the smaller package.
I would love to hear from others that have experience with either one of these cameras.
I have been waiting for the right combination of sensor size and features for about six months. I shoot in the Pacific NW so I need the larger sensor for the ubiquitous low light. I have a Leica X2, which is perfect for street photography. But for hiking and backpacking I wanted something with interchangeable lenses that is low in weight. I tried a Canon G12, I like it, but it is really prone to blowing out the highlights / has little detail in the shadows... Just terrible for the Pacific NW. I pre-ordered a Leica M, but I'm not very patient. So the XE-1 arrives today. Since I can put Leica M series lens on it... If I want, it can be a good transition to The Leica. But the Fuji lens have been very well reviewed and at a fraction of the cost. I have high expectations for this camera, but unless Fuji really screwed up I think they will be met. JD
Thanks for the responses! Good to hear great things about this camera so far!

JDFlood, Do let me know how you like it once you try it! would love to get more insight on how well it works for you :D
Just a quick note. I got it before lunch. I like it's feel. I can tell this was a great choice. Fast startup, like the feeling of focusing. The lens feels like a quality lens, I like the body, feels good. I am sure I will be getting the grip for it. I immediately ordered a 35mm f1.4 lens (overnight delivery of course, did I mention I am short on patience?). I am going to Seattle this weekend, and will probably end up out at night, so the f1.4 and the small size will be nice. I went out at lunch and took a few pictures. I am not worried about the IQ, I am sure it will be great. But I will do some shooting tomorrow along side my D800 to see how well it does with the shadows and highlights. I suspect it should do as well as my Leica X1. I really like the lens cap... I know that sounds silly, but in a rainy environment, the lens cap is off and on with nearly every shot. A lot of my reason for choosing this is it is a serious camera, for what I consider important... like real lenses... like an f1.4 normal, the zoom for when I am not sure what I am going to need, a small wide angel and short tele. Anyway, good first impressions.
Cool thanks!

Looks like they're coming out to stores soon, can't wait to try it out once I find a place that has one!
After a couple weeks of use I must say I really like it. The Fuji has good IQ and I can pull the expected amount of details out from the shadows that I would expect from an APS-C sensor. It is light, and does not cramp my neck. It is a little clutzy to use, particularly with gloves. The FN button is where the shutter should be and I constantly hit it instead of the release ( with gloves ). I haven't found a way to keep the point of focus mobile without pushing the most inconvenient Button on lower left. But overall these are minor. However, I will say my Leica X2 bests it in all categories except interchangable lenses. The Leica is much smoother to operate as a street camera... More simply laid out, and captures slightly better images. Overall both are wonderful cameras, the Fuji fits the niche that I bought it for, as lightweight backpacking / hiking camera when I don't want to lug along my Nikon D800. I will probably get a 14mm lens for it. Although it has also made me think I should get the new Leica M and not compromise with the APS-C. On the other hand I really like the auto focus ( although it gets a little confused under low light). I am going on vacation in a week, and will have a couple weeks with all three primary cameras, so will get into the details of the differences. JD
I am thinking of getting the olympus OM-D-E-M5. Anyone have enough experience to assess the pros and cons of the Olympus vs the Fuijfilm?
bs0604 said:
I am thinking of getting the olympus OM-D-E-M5. Anyone have enough experience to assess the pros and cons of the Olympus vs the Fuijfilm?

For me the sensor size is critical, the Oly is a tiny 4/3rds sensor. This means the poor low light performance, much less flexibility in processing, and it will be less effective in high contrast situations. Many people really like the camera for good reasons. But I shoot out doors in contrasty situations (bright white clouds and dark rock) and in low light situations ( rainy Pacific Northwest), so I have decided nothing smaller than APS-C. I got a Canon G12, and if the situation is perfect, high light, low contrast... It takes incredible pictures... But much of the time it doesn't cut it. JD
My only concern with this camera is the supposedly slow AF.
I would use this as a street camera and the AF issue is important for me.
Anything to say?
My only concern with this camera is the supposedly slow AF.
I would use this as a street camera and the AF issue is important for me.
Anything to say?

Can it be set to manual focus ? i never focus when shooting street photography F8, 10 feet on focus scale and shutter speed needed for good exposure and im good to go
My concern is that I like HDR processing and this camera does not appear to do bracketing unless you want to manually move the exposure compensation dial for each "bracket". But then you would add in vibration.
gsgary said:
Can it be set to manual focus ? i never focus when shooting street photography F8, 10 feet on focus scale and shutter speed needed for good exposure and im good to go

The Fuji has manual focus rings. I don't think the AF is slow, I think that was on the Pro. In low light on one of the lenses it can do a little hunting, but it's not terrible. I like my Leica X2 better for street photography. One hand, it is really good at figuring out at what your shooting at and getting the focus and exp right. No lens choices... Great lens. I really like both cameras.

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