What are you reading?

I enjoy fiction, and am currently finishing Vince Flynn’s “The Third Option”.
Currently, The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle
and The Four Hour Workweek from Timothy Ferriss
Currently photography books on lighting set up eg studio lighting
Just finished The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley. Fun read.
first law series by joe abercrombie. i'm almost through the second book, an excellent fantasy trilogy.
I am almost at the end of Isabel Allende's 'A long petal of the sea'. She sure can paint images with her words! There is such a flow in her work, that it took me on a journey to places I have never been to, in times gone by.
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Just finished the seventh book in the Frontlines series by Marko Kloos.

I thought this was the last one but the story isn't even being close to coming to an end!!??
The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
Had to start this book a second time before I really got into it. It creeps into you like rain forest dampness. Very evocative and very powerful. While the setting is Kerala, in tropical southern India, it could be anywhere rural and stifling. I thought of the American deep south more than once. Strikingly original writing — but not an easy read.
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Dr Zhivago, by Boris Pasternak.
This is a strange book, there is no main plotline in it, though a human's life is a plotline per se. Despite it, this is one of the most impressive books for me. It's definitely a masterpiece.
Jonathon Kellerman’s “Silent Partner”.
I just finished Anxious People by Fredrik Backman. A little mystery with quirky people.
If you know the work of the McCourt brothers, Frank and Malachy, then you have probably heard of this one.

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