What a day for an infrared daydream

gk fotografie

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Jun 13, 2015
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Sunny, 27°C (80,6°F) today, so I finally took a Hoya R72 filter out of the drawer and extra-checked an old tripod (Manfrotto 190B) that I recently found in a hall closet, but not used since 2002/2003.
Camera: Fuji X-E1 + 18/55mm. It has been a long time since I've been active with infrared, although I have been walking around for a long time with the idea of having 1 or 2 cameras converted.

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infrared can be so dreamy when done well like this.
Nice. I have Lazy_Lobster's D40 that I will get converted.
No normally a fan of infrared, but these are lovely. Good shooting!
Thank you, I really like to hear something like this.
It was actually a bit of a gamble because when I look on the internet, firstly the effect with an infrared filter - Hoya R72 - would be disappointing when used with digital sensors and secondly you'd get extremely long exposures, but in real life it's a bit different. I put my old Fuji X-E1 at 100 ISO with in-camera monochrome + red filter setting. The weather was beautiful yesterday, with a shutter speed between 0.5 and 1.5 seconds, so nothing very shocking and with a sturdy tripod and cable release no problems. I do get the itch to continue in this direction.


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