Welcome to the Apple Room...


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 16, 2007
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I am Canadian, eh.
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This is a room in the basement of a very old 'hall' (next to, and belongs to a church). It used to be used as a babysitting area, while moms did aerobics on the main floor. This building also has a stage area and a balcony....where I watch my sweet girl (7) take her ballet lessons!

Interesting shot.. But why is it in the Dark Side?
Interesting shot.. But why is it in the Dark Side?

OK, well..... this is the basement of an old, old (really old) building.... LOL!!

Annnnnd...I thought it has sort of a creepy feel about it...??? ...No?

almost any thing can become "creepy" but this is shot at an angle in which it just looks like a snapshot of a wall and a door. Perhaps if you had been farther away looking down the wall to show its "never ending" length (catch my drift?). Or if it was a fully shot of the door perhaps
almost any thing can become "creepy" but this is shot at an angle in which it just looks like a snapshot of a wall and a door. Perhaps if you had been farther away looking down the wall to show its "never ending" length (catch my drift?). Or if it was a fully shot of the door perhaps

Thank you...I appreciate the advice! :wink:
Kinda feeling sorry for the people who had to look at that wall paper. :lol::lol: and wondering who decided that apple wallpaper would look good
Maybe a lower angle lookin out the room to some emptyness might work on this one. Still diggin it tho. :D
Kinda feeling sorry for the people who had to look at that wall paper. :lol::lol: and wondering who decided that apple wallpaper would look good
Maybe a lower angle lookin out the room to some emptyness might work on this one. Still diggin it tho. :D

Yeah...pretty bad paper. In fact, that's why I decided to shoot it...I thought, hmmm...I suppose it was a "cheery" choice in it's day....and yet it's in this dark and creepy basement...maybe it will project some kind of irony? Maybe I can get back down there, next lesson and see what I can come up with!?

Thanks...I do appreciate the advice!! ;)
well it does have a slight sinister feel for me, the combination of the apple wallpaper and the dark room makes it work....further exploration might yield some better results.
well it does have a slight sinister feel for me, the combination of the apple wallpaper and the dark room makes it work....further exploration might yield some better results.

Thanks Roger, I appreciate your comments! :wink:

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