Weekly challenge 9/11 - 9/17 the Center


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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For this week’s challenge, our subject is “center”. You can interpret this any way you’d like including putting a subject in the center of the frame, taking a photo of the center of something, or taking a photo of a center as in the center of town, or the center of your world…. Be creative and if it’s not obvious, state why your photo fits the theme.

As always, new photos only for the challenge please. Get out there and shoot!

First one .. fence post centered... second one pile of rocks centered
DSC_2047 (3).JPG
DSC_2131 (3).JPG
Very nice. Shot with the new zoom?
Thanks! This was shot with the 16-80 at 58mm. It’s a crop but could have easily been framed with that lens. The 70-300 would have been too close to get much of the reflection although I had it with me and should have taken it out and gotten some detail shots. Next time!

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