Weekly challenge 7/24 - 7/30 Up and Down


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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For this week's challenge, post photos using the perspectives and/or themes Up and Down. Low angle shooting, shooting up at a building or ceiling fixture, shooting directly down at your subject, drone photos, laying on the ground shooting straight up, a subject that makes you think of Up or Down. Be creative.

As always, new photos only for the weekly challenge please. Get out there and shoot!

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I received our assingment just before departing to head back into the city. On the drive I'm looking everywhere for an up or down candidate. Then, as I'm driving through a canopy of trees I see this. Please forgive the composition. For safety I stopped, set the camera and then blindly pointed while driving and took a chance.

Wow that’s a long photo! The weekly challenges are usually posted each Saturday (sometimes I post them Friday night but rarely). After a challenge is over you are still welcome to post in the thread, many people do.
The Willard Hotel is two blocks from the White House and D.C. folklore says it is responsible the the term lobbiest. President Grant would walk over to smoke a cigar in the lobby. Someone was always waiting to bend his ear.

When I arrived there was significant police and private security who were speaking, I believe, arabic. I had to pass through an X-ray machine to get in so I spent about 90 seconds getting the shot I wanted and I was out of there. Apologies for the composition.

Thousands walk through the main entrance each day and few ever bother to look up. All 50 State seals are represented. With more time I will get a clearer shot.

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Pointing my new iPhone up

Lying on my back at the bottom of the ramp. Getting back out of there was a different matter.
I was shooting at my local skateboard park recently. I'll have to see if the kids mind if I shoot from the bottom of the pit. I'm sure they'll enjoy showing off.

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