Weekly challenge 1/16 - 1/22 Tree Hugger

snowtreesledtx400 (3).jpg
Nice tree. We’re you able to get any photos from the fireworks last night? Looked amazing.

Funny because having grown up here we sort of ignore that stuff. I didn't know there would be any but heard them going off. I find fireworks tough to shoot.
Nice tree. We’re you able to get any photos from the fireworks last night? Looked amazing.

Funny because having grown up here we sort of ignore that stuff. I didn't know there would be any but heard them going off. I find fireworks tough to shoot.

Very jaded ;) I get like that about some famous New England locations - never been to a few of them or haven’t been since elementary school. I think shooting fireworks can be as complicated or as simple as you decide to make it. I know a lot of people like to do a really long exposure to get multiple fireworks into one shot or they do composites, but I like to shoot single exposures, 5 to 10 seconds, at f/8-f/11- usually that will get one or two blooms in there and as long as your foreground is bright enough it looks nice. I use the first few to manually focus and then hit the shutter release when the next one starts to pop.

Light it up! by SharonCat..., on Flickr
Very jaded ;) I get like that about some famous New England locations - never been to a few of them or haven’t been since elementary school. I think shooting fireworks can be as complicated or as simple as you decide to make it. I know a lot of people like to do a really long exposure to get multiple fireworks into one shot or they do composites, but I like to shoot single exposures, 5 to 10 seconds, at f/8-f/11- usually that will get one or two blooms in there and as long as your foreground is bright enough it looks nice. I use the first few to manually focus and then hit the shutter release when the next one starts to pop.

Perhaps, but I've been to at least 5 inauguration parades, sat on the steps of the Lincoln for the 1976 fireworks, watched the Beach Boys perform July 4th on the grounds of the Washington Monument, visited the tomb of the unknowns countless times and been to nearly all of the museums numerous times annually. I've travelled to all 50 States and 50 countries so I know enough not to take this city and my proximity to it for granted. It is unique. These events are packed with outsiders and newcomers and I would encourage everyone to attend. I prefer visiting these places, like a trip to the Cathedral New Years Eve this year, when no one else is around and I have the luxury of doing so. Other than three bike commuters, there was no one else out there last night. Well, I did hear a critter skittering around the rocks on the banks of the Potomac near my feet.

You've inspired me to try and get a decent fireworks photo.
I wonder why I can no longer see gk's attachments?
I could last week.

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