Week 49|50 B&W Challenge: High key or Low key in B&W

And you can send me dead flowers every morning
Send me dead flowers by the mail

Send me dead flowers to my wedding
And I won't forget to put roses on your grave
These are so fantastic! Are they digital? #2 would make such a charming small print. Love it.
Thanks zulu. Yes digital, KS 2 with SMC Pentax M 50mm f2, manual settings. single desk lamp with cardboard snoot for lo key, difused on camera flash with remote flash on white card BG for hi key.
Love the creative lighting and you nailed the theme.
Aren't we done with this one? Check the dates...
Yes we are. But just as with the weekly challenge, folks occasionally post thematic photos after the close of a particular challenge. To my knowledge there isn’t a rule that prohibits it. If I’m wrong, I’ll be happy to take down the photo.
Yes we are. But just as with the weekly challenge, folks occasionally post thematic photos after the close of a particular challenge. To my knowledge there isn’t a rule that prohibits it. If I’m wrong, I’ll be happy to take down the photo.
No worries. Post away. Just wondered what the etiquette was.

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