We interrupt the spring sports season...


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Aug 3, 2012
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Sorry guys no sports images this time, as it has been a busy month for me with other work.

With all that is going on and all the delays and cancellations, it may be a while before we get any more sports images.

Stay safe until we get to shoot more sports.
Here in the UK, most sporting events have been cancelled.....
Same here. MIAA just pushed out the HS spring sports season by a few weeks for now- hopefully they get some type of season in at some point.

I feel bad for the seniors both in HS and college sports.
The collie nationals were also cancelled.. sad time for all... but most important stay safe and stay well
I had an event cancelled for next week, was good money too.
This doggone Covid-19 scare has just turned into the biggest Sports disaster in my lifetime... cancelled tournaments and seasons for professional Collegiate and High School .The OSAA canceled all winter sports championships yesterday so there will be no basketball and no wrestling Championships or even District tournaments, no cheerleading championships either.
This doggone Covid-19 scare has just turned into the biggest Sports disaster in my lifetime... cancelled tournaments and seasons for professional Collegiate and High School .The OSAA canceled all winter sports championships yesterday so there will be no basketball and no wrestling Championships or even District tournaments, no cheerleading championships either.

I mean they are just handling like they did H1N1...

NHL suspended as well and might not even be a Stanley Cup finals, Schools closed down etc.The world is spinning out of control and People are in a panic cleaning out the stores of toilet paper and Sanitizing supplies.
Yup, we had the spring sport season slammed close on us on Thursday.
The sport were still going to do practice, hoping that the season will reopen later.
Luckily the yearbook Editor sent the staff out on Thursday after school to shoot practice. Because . . .

Today, the high school announce it will be closed from next Monday, the 16th, till end of spring break in early April.
And it could be longer, depends on what happens in the next few weeks.
And with the closure, there will be no practice, as the campus is closed.

So no more sport pictures can be taken for the yearbook.
What we have is IT.
Yup, we had the spring sport season slammed close on us on Thursday.
The sport were still going to do practice, hoping that the season will reopen later.
Luckily the yearbook Editor sent the staff out on Thursday after school to shoot practice. Because . . .

Today, the high school announce it will be closed from next Monday, the 16th, till end of spring break in early April.
And it could be longer, depends on what happens in the next few weeks.
And with the closure, there will be no practice, as the campus is closed.

So no more sport pictures can be taken for the yearbook.
What we have is IT.

So, we made it, yearbook was completed on schedule.
With my usual frustration at the kids. But this time with more severe consequences.
It turned out that many of the kids had done their usual, and sat on their butts, not taking pictures at the early games as I kept telling them to do. So when the door slammed shut, and everything was cancelled, half of the sports had not been shot. :eek::(

When the editor asked who did NOT shoot their sports, one of the kids ticked me off when he said, "what about Gary's pictures." They did not do their job, they were STUCK without pictures, and they expected me to pull their butts out of the fire. :mad: I was so ticked off that I almost did not give the editor the drive with my pictures. In the end, I quietly gave the drive to the editor, to save her, not the kids in the class.

What we have learned after three years of trying is, we cannot give the kids the freedom to decide which games to shoot.
Many slack off and wait till the last games. And when there are cancellations due to heavy rain, forest fire smoke, or virus, they get caught without pictures.

Since the kids have proven over three years, that they cannot be trusted to do their job as instructed.
So next year they won't have that choice. The plan next year is to assign specific games to be shot by specific staff.
If they do not shoot their assigned game, they get a zero/0 for that assignment, and it affects their grade.

But, I have no idea what next year's 2020-21 sports calendar will look like.
  • Most sports involve being within 6 feet of another player, so can they even do sports?
    • The only exceptions I can think of, are tennis singles, and the individual track and field events.
  • Will the campus open in August? If not, when?
  • If the campus is not opened till mid August, we may not have a fall (football) season, or a very short one. Any later, and fall season may not happen.
  • The sports calendar may be shortened and sports shifted around or dropped.
It's looking more and more like we will have school and a fall sports season here. The association decided to open things back up and basically let the schools make the decision on summer activities. Most schools are starting workouts and getting ready for the season but we are not having team camps and the 7-on-7 stuff that we typically do.

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