Trying to drum up some action here...


TPF Noob!
Apr 26, 2009
Reaction score
Merrimac(k) Valley, Ma
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I recently purchased a muse and some optics from my new favorite store a week or two ago.

I've had a blast playing with it so far, and was hoping to see more activity in this forum. There isn't much going on here, but it wont stop me from trying.\

Maybe I can pull out the closet Lensbaby users.

Here are a couple, comments and insults are appreciated.

1) My first shot with my new Muse, f/4, Single glass optic, ISO 200, 1/125th


2) My favorite thus far, one of my twins, Atom, while digging in his toy box. Plastic optic, f/2, ISO 200, 1/250th


I love the Plastic optic, it can produce some amazing dream like effects, but repeatable results will take a lot of practice. Like anything else I guess, ha.
Cool shots :thumbup: I haven't produced anything with my lensbaby like your second photo. It looks neat :)
Cool shots :thumbup: I haven't produced anything with my lensbaby like your second photo. It looks neat :)

Thanks, the Plastic optic can create some cool looking photos "wide open". I'm still hit or miss, more miss than hit with it though. Its fun to keep trying tough.
I do like the portrait. Normally I'm not much on soft focusing, but I think this is great. I think the combination of the softness and the haunting blue eyes is wonderful. Really makes we wonder what the child is looking at or thinking of.

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