The Seagull Nebula


TPF Noob!
May 14, 2024
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Lexington, KY
I’m new here and started photography with astrophotography and just now transitioning to a little terrestrial photography but thought I’d post one of my favorite nebulae that I captured back in February.

- H: 142 x 180” (7h 6m)
- O: 192 x 180” (9h 36m)
- S: 208 x 180 (10h 24m)
- R: 113 x 30” (56m 30s)
- G: 135 x 30” (1h 7m 30s)
- B: 120 x 30” (1h)
- 30h 10m Total Exposure Time
- Astro-Tech AT72EDII
- Celestron AVX
- ZWO ASI2600MM Pro
- ZWO 30mm guide scope
- ZWO ASI224MC guide camera
- ZWO AsiAir Plus
- Antlia 3nm narrowband filters
Very colourful, like to see your telescope kit?
Thanks! Excuse the ugly garage pic but that’s all I seem to have at the moment and it’s totally disassembled now. The one I used for this image was the one in the front with the orange telescope being the one I usually use for galaxies and smaller nebulae.

And now that I’m looking closer, this is an older pic before a camera upgrade showing my smaller micro 4/3 camera where this one was actually taken with APS-C.

Beautiful and awesome capture, very impressive.
Beautiful, thanks for sharing
Great image and nice set up.

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